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"I was never enough was i?"

You whimper.

You really shouldn't be doing this. You knew better, it gets you nowhere. You leave more damaged then you came.


Shaking your head, you look towards the front door where your best friend stands. Normally he paces, but he is staying still this time. Your guess is listening to what is happening. He knew he should have walked in with you.

"I can't keep doing this. It's time to move on. You aren't happy."

Of course. Of course he thinks he fucking knows it all.

"I'm not unhappy! Never was unhappy! I wanted to fix things! I wanted to stay here with you. Make a family! You did everything you promised you wouldn't."

He sighs, no emotion in his eyes as he stares at you from the kitchen. He didn't care? He seriously didn't care. That's probably the hardest part to swallow. After ten years, after everything he just didn't care.

Did he ever?

Tears are falling down your cheeks as you grab the items of yours, double checking every single thing around the house. He had told you he would make sure you were taken care of. He promised, but you don't want to owe him anything.

Not anything else. He ripped you in half, made you question your self worth for years. Cheated and made you feel at fault, for awhile you felt like you were. You changed to someone you didn't know anymore. You did everything for him. The perfect fucking house wife.

He stands there with annoyed expression. Is he really acting like this is all you? How fucking dare he!? You can feel the rage pouring through and god do you want to smack him. Smack him and rip him apart for everything he ever did to you.

This man promised you so much shit and no where did he keep any of it. He left you to be alone with his kid. For someone else, someone who is pregnant and it's not even his kid. Not that you know anyway. He is just a piece of shit.

It's sad to realize that now. Sad to realize that you wasted years of your life with someone who didn't love you. Maybe he did in the beginning, but it all changed. You should have taken the hint years ago but you didn't want to do the mother thing by yourself.
Your precious angel didn't deserve to be alone and not have her dad. She didn't deserve that. She never did.


Leaning into your best friend Chris's side, you rest your head in the crook of his neck. Here we go again, another night of sobbing. It's not like you wanted to do this. You had thought you would be able to let it go. Physically and mentally you moved on. Happy and good but emotionally, not so much. The whole situation made you realize that.

Even with the situation, Chris has been here through it all. Cuddling you and singing you too. He always had been a good friend and you don't know why. The first phone call you knew was to call Chris. After your mom of course. Practically begging for somewhere to go, so you didn't have to stay with him still.

He wanted you out. You wanted out. You didn't want to listen to him anymore. He had to have cared somewhat right? Even if two years of it was spent split but still messing around. You don't know what's the worst part of it all.

That he didn't express a month ago, he just didn't want to fix it anymore. Or the fact you fully guessed that he was talking to someone. The random moments he would disappear. The rug being ripped out from under you.

It's not at all what you expected. It's not what you needed. Maybe this is all your fault? You didn't say you wanted to fix things. Only you had been trying and trying. At least you thought you were.

"I'm so sorry Y/N."

Chris whispers, it's been four long hours of sobbing. Your body shaking and unable to even stop.

Why do you keep doing this?

He isn't doing the same over you. He isn't doing anything like this over you. He was happy to admit it, quick to admit it. It sure seemed that way. He was quick to let it go. You feel bad for the girl, he can't keep a stable relationship. Probably wouldn't still have had you if you had self confidence.

You really are fucked up, huh?

Chris's finger curls under your chin, lifting to meet his eyes. He flashes a smile. It's a sad one, the sight of you tearing apart beneath him. It sucks. The man never did know to make sure you were okay. He was always quick to run away during an argument.

Chris can still count the times you would call him with a hope that he wouldn't run. Only for him to do so. He wishes now he had told you to come live with him. He hates his best friend hurting.

He hates it all and if you wouldn't stop him, he would beat his ass. Knock sense into him because he deserves it.

The man messed up with a damn good woman. He will see that sooner or later. He hopes so. Hopefully then it's too late and you are with someone else who does deserve you.

"One day someone is gonna see you. See you for everything you are. Treat you like you deserve. You are a queen Y/N. You need to see that."

Chris presses a kiss to the top of your head, resting his head on yours. He is gonna help you. He is gonna help you get through this.

Chris Motionless Imagines / One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now