Mr. Ghostface

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A/N: pure smut. p*rn without plot. enjoy!

It's not like you were expecting Chris to go through with it. Sure, he's always been open with your fantasies and kinks. He's been determined to explore them all at least once. Mainly for you. Some of way out of his comfort zone even for him, but if it makes you happy.

He is willing.

You hadn't expected to enter the bedroom and find your loving boyfriend with one of your fantasies getting ready to be played out before you. You had definitely not been prepared. The ghostface mask already on him and his shirt had already been completely off, discarded on the floor. Little specs of blood decorate his tattooed skin, mainly his chest.

The castle that rests so beautifully along his chest, it looks so pretty against it.

His hands are even adorning the leather gloves as well as a fake knife beside of him laying on the bed. Already completely covered in the fake blood, you are rendered speechless as you take in all of him. Your heart is pounding inside of your chest so loud it's a miracle how the man hasn't heard it.

"Hello angel."

His voice is dark, sinister, and by the way he spoke to you alone, you just know he knows how excited you really are. Your skin feels hot. You just know he can tell but the way your cheeks heat. By the way his focus has not once been shifted from you.

You can't help but feel the chills run down your spine as Chris stands up from the edge of the bed, walking toward you like you are his prey. As if you are gonna run and make him have to chase you. Much less that he would get into the character so fast. So quick. The familiar tingle flowing through your body as he continues his movements, slow but with a sense of urgency.

Your back hits the wall as he stands in front of you. The  knife following after him as he drags it ever so slowly up your body. Little specs of blood following after the knife before stopping right where you least expected, "Oh Y/N."

Chris hates you can't see the smirk that spreads across his face, much less that you can't see how much he is enjoying this. The way your heart is pounding so hard against your chest. His following the same movements as yours.

This should have been done so much sooner.

He might be a little too excited at the way you are trembling before him. The way your legs are squeezing together. The way your eyes are dilated and the precious lips of yours are swollen from biting them so hard.

Little whimpers escape past your lips, as the knife is being slowly dragged it's way up to your neck the point leaving more of the fake blood behind. The coldness of it leaning chills as he does so.

"So tell me angel."

He whispers, stepping even closer than before the knife that once had been at your throat dropped to the floor. His hand replacing it, squeezing ever so tightly.

"Do you want to be in the sequel?"

He feels you gulp. He can feel the way your skin is suddenly heating up. The sudden way you have to have clench your thighs even tighter than before, he'd be lying if he said this wasn't your best idea yet. The best way to really explore all the kinks he was honeslty holding himself back with in fear of scaring you.

But well, you are just as twisted as he is.

It's that fact that makes his dick twitch in the tight little pants he has on still.

"Use your words."

He smirks, his free hand moves down your body smearing the fake blood down as his fingers find their way inside of your black pants. They are slowly moving to the fabric of your underwear and with each movement of them, you can't help but suck in a breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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