Chapter 1: The Supreme Leader

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"Are you sure it's snug enough? I can make a different strap for it really quickly." My mom tugs on the silver plate over my shoulder. She's fussing... again.

"It fits fine." I step away. "You're being paranoid."

She scowls at me, then steps back and takes in my appearance. "Not half bad."

"Half bad?! You made the thing! You're the armorer!" I laugh.

"Was." She reaches up and pulls the helmet off my head. "Right here is the modulator-"

"I know!" I groan.

She ignores me. "I'm turning it up so it's deeper and more robotic. You'll be safer that way."

My heart starts to beat in anticipation, despite my urge to tell her I use the ambiguous voice modulation all the time. "I won't be safe?"

"No, of course not. I'm especially unhappy with how they contacted you."

"By they, you mean the First Order? Mom, they know nothing about me. I'm just a faceless Mandalorian bounty hunter, sent by this sector's guild." My voice drops infinitesimally, " Nobody knows who I am."

"That's not what I'm worried about, sweetheart." She caresses my cheek before putting the helmet back down over my eyes.

The T shaped visor narrows my range of vision, but I don't need the range. I have sensors and UV vision for all that. It's a much lighter helmet than her own, easy to wear for long periods of time. Sometimes days.

"You charged the fuel cells?"

"Yes, mother!" My voice comes out harsh and robotic.

She gives me a grin. "Perfect."

"I've been using this shit for years, I know everything is in working order." I roll my eyes and pull up my wrist comm, checking the specs on my oxygen filter, and the weapons with their accompanying charges that are connected to my wrist comm.

"Watch your language. Best not to speak at all unless you have to." 

I pull her into a hug, placing my black leather-gloved hand on the back of her head as she wraps her arms around my bulky silver armor.

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