Chapter 9: The Date

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I emerge from my quarters hesitantly, making wholly sure that I'm alone. The ramp is closed, and everything is still and silent. I even turn on my infrared to make sure I don't detect any heat signatures. When I confirm the coast is clear, I pull my helmet off in the kitchen with a sigh, and dig around the storage cabinets for something stronger than beer.

Yeah, I know. Dangerous to get drunk right now. I'm just bored by myself for the first time in a long time. And I wish desperately that I really could do as Vicrul suggested, hide in the shitter of a club to take shots. I find a couple different liquors and a small metal tumbler. I fill it with a little grin on my face. Mom would disapprove so wholeheartedly. I barely ever get the chance to drink.

I do something else I only do when I'm alone. Pulling up the holonet, I blast music from the little speaker in my wrist. At first, I just sit on the counter and kick my feet while I listen and sip on the burning alcohol. But it starts to warm me up and loosen my muscles. I find myself swaying, and then I down a second glass in two big gulps and jump down from the counter. I dance around the kitchen with a big smile on my face for a few songs.

Then I go back for more alcohol, feeling warm and happy and free. My helmet remains on the counter as I lounge and dance about the hull.

Four glasses in, and I start to feel my mistake. My heart beats a little fast, and I grab onto my helmet in a tight grip. But throwing all caution to the wind, I think about everything Canto Bight has to offer, and I grab a package of crackers, crushing them and shoveling them into my mouth, then take one last swig of my drink. The helmet slides on, and it takes me ten seconds to figure out how to open and shut the ramp to the ship.

The Buzzard is docked in a grassy field on top of a cliff overlooking the artificial ocean. I can see the twinkling lights of luxury cruisers over the water, and hear the sound of the waves. Wishing I could feel the wind on my face, I set off toward the edge of the cliff. It's a good thirty meters down to the sandy beach, but I'm unconcerned with the height.

Making sure my belt is tight, I unravel a small, but powerful grappling hook, and a few feet of line. I dig it into the hard rock and propel myself over the edge without a second thought. Wind rushes around me, and I bounce off the cliff face with my feet, making sure I don't plummet too fast. I always really enjoyed this feeling when training and hunting, but doing it drunk adds a whole other layer of fun. By the time I reach the bottom, My face is stretched in a wide grin, and a light laugh fills my helmet.

My boots land on squishy sand, and the sound of the waves is louder in my ears, traveling to my chest and bringing a sense of calm over my body. The beach is empty- I may very well be on a private stretch of land. I walk along the shore, keeping my footsteps where the waves won't get my boots wet, but the sand is wet and hard and easy to walk on.

After a few moments, I find a grouping of smooth, flat boulders jutting out just a little into the water. Waves crash against the rocks. I sit down near the edge, just out of the spray of water. I don't bother looking at the time, or letting myself worry about anything. I'm here in this moment, listening to the waves and water glisten in the moonlight. Alcohol still warms my blood, but it's softer now, smooth and calm.

Footsteps on the rocks behind me make me whip my head around. A man is approaching casually with a grin on his handsome face. The moonlight changes the colors of his clothes, but silver embroidery shines in the light against dark fabric along every seam. His pants are tailored perfectly, showing off his muscular thighs, and his flashy boots are bright red with the same embroidered silver.

"Nice night, huh." Trudgen sits down next to me without invitation.

"Artificial weather." I reply dully, confused why he would choose to join me here, or how he found me. Was he looking over the cliffs at the water? Did he too just wander down here for some peace?

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