Chapter 20: The Game

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Date. A date? Trudgen's words bounce around in my head. I've locked myself in my sleeping quarters. I've brushed my hair dry, and continue to rake the bristles down to the ends by my waist. A fucking date. But, no, those weren't his exact words. Come have dinner with us. Like a date. Well, I've never been on a date so how the fuck would I know the difference between a date and 'like a date'?! And for that matter, how do I prepare for what happens after the date?

If I weren't a Mandalorian, and if I weren't walking out into a group of six men, I would style my hair, probably put on cosmetics, pick an outfit that shows skin in just the right places. I'd scrub my skin and shave my legs. Some of that I have done. But I am a Mandalorian. And I am going to sit at a table with six men, all of whom I would very much like to have sex with. Even Cardo, who, despite keeping a neat buzz and clean shaved face, is grittier and less desperate than the others. All I've gleaned from him is lingering touches in the gym, or extended glances my way. All of which make me want him more. Make me want to beg, or make him beg- I can't be sure.

Then begs the question of who first. First times are meant to be special. And I can't magically choose to have them all inside me at once. This choice is major. And it will have a lasting effect on me and on them. Kuruk comes to mind, gentle and patient. But Vicrul's enthusiasm and refusal to treat me like I'm a delicate little thing, not to mention his delicious way of words, pulls me away from gentle. Trudgen is clearly talented in both gentle and rough, which is intriguing, but his lack of self control grates on my nerves. Ap'lek is dangerous, and the thought of him pushing my boundaries is exciting. Ushar, who has yet to do more than cop a feel over my clothes, is clear as day to read. He would make it an adventure. And no matter what would happen, he's light hearted enough not to let me be embarrassed. And then there's Cardo... elusive and mysterious. His posture and aura alone demands my attention often.

I want them all, but someone has to be first...

"You're getting a little ahead of yourself, Silla." I put my brush down on the desk with a shaking hand.

A date. Gods, curse Trudgen for saying that word! I'm wound like a spring. "Ah, fuck it!"

A date it is! Mando style. I leave my socks and gloves off, putting a fresh coat of polish on my nails and folding the hem of my pants in an attempt to be more feminine. That's what guys like... well except Trudgen, I think... maybe. I part my hair down the center and plait it into two long braids that trail down my chest to my stomach. My heart beats a little wildly, but I swallow the nerves and put my helmet on. Hands, feet, and hair. Kuruk already knows what color my skin is, it really isn't that telling. It never sees the light of day, so it's pale. That's obvious. Half of them have never seen my hair, but they've felt it's length and texture. And if they're disappointed in it's color or lack of shine, I'd rather get that out of the way now.

"Okay, Silla. You've been fingered, you've sucked a guy off- you've nearly done it all. A date is no big deal. It'll be like all the other dinners you've had. It has to be... Just you sitting there and hanging out while they eat. Then afterwards... well, you can cross that bridge when you get there."

Hopefully no one is spying on me. I spend so much time alone, I talk to myself often. But these men are never alone. They wouldn't understand how important your own company is. Ignoring my racing heart, I smooth out the turtleneck of my black long sleeve, making sure my neck is fully covered, and making doubly make sure my bare breasts are positioned well. No point strapping into that torture bra now. Then I suck in a breath and stand up.

There's food sizzling in the kitchen, the clanking of glasses, the sounds of shouts and laughter and talking. It sounds like it always does out here at dinner time. But as soon as I step out of the corridor and into the light, every sound except the cooking food disappears. You could hear a pin drop on the other side of the ship.

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