Chapter 25: The Jedi

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A ship alert goes off. Kuruk jogs away to the cockpit. No one else pays much mind to it. Ap'lek is grinning hugely at me and getting up from his seat.

"We know your name now. We've seen your hands and feet. Vicrul has seen it all...almost." Ap'lek's gaze is hungry with anticipation. "I think it's only fair the rest of us see... while you're tied up."

My stomach drops. "T...tied up?"

Trudgen grabs me from behind and pulls my back into his chest. I squeal and struggle, but he holds onto me tight. "You better start trusting us, sweet stuff. You'll enjoy your time much better if you do.

Kuruk's voice blares over invisible speakers throughout the ship. "Just received a personal message from Skywalker. They're on Yavin-4. He said this all ends there."

Trudgen drops me, huffing a loud breath through his nose. "A fucking trap."

Vicrul runs away toward the cockpit, and I follow. I bite my tongue to hold back the I-told-you-so, but my heart hammers in my chest about practically receiving an invitation from those two Jedi. Then again, the thrill of action starts to grow in my gut. My feet rush along the metal stairs right behind Vicrul. The door to the cockpit is shut, and his balled fist, knuckles pale, pound on the door.

"Kuruk, open up!"

"Hang on," The pilot calls back.

A second later, he comes out of the cockpit, shutting the blastdoor behind him. "Course set for Yavin-4."

"It's a fucking trap," me and Vicrul yell at the same time.

"It doesn't matter. We have to go. We have to finish this so we can get Silla out of here and get our punishment over with."

Vicrul roars in outrage. "Or die!"

Kuruk pushes us out of the way to run down the stairs. "We have twenty minutes to get geared up."

"Kuruk, dammit! Listen to me!"

But he's storming off into the hull, telling the others to get ready. Everyone but Trudgen jumps up excitedly. The energy is palpable, and I'm sure they're not creating it artificially. I feel the same as they do, excited, nervous, and jumpy with violent adrenaline. I'm ready to put an end to these two Jedi. I've fought Rey twice now. I understand how her body moves, and what kind of Force powers she uses to her advantage. As long as the Knights can keep Skywalker distracted enough, I can take her down. I know I can. It's what I was raised to do. The only thing I've ever been really good at. Hopefully, this new connection between the Knights and myself will help us take them down.

I triple-check all my armor and gear and even slip into the refresher for a moment. Vicrul and Trudgen resign themselves to the knowledge that we really have no other choice. Ushar stands next to me in the hull, with his arm pressed against mine. Kuruk rushes back to the cockpit to take the ship out of hyperspace, and the others finish gearing up and emerging from the armory in their dingy helmets and clothes, weapons in hand.

I plant my feet against the slight rocking of the ship coming out of hyperspace. Ushar reaches his free hand out and grabs mine, glove squeezing glove. I pull my hand away. "What are you doing?"

His strange helmet turns toward me. "This all might be over-"

"It will be over." I snap. "I've never failed a job before. And I don't intend on starting now."

With a hesitant nod, he leans away from me. I turn on comms, preparing myself to tune out yelling and heavy breathing. The ship bumps again as it lands, and Kuruk sprints out of the cockpit with a blaster in one hand and his sniper rifle in the other. The ramp opens, and a wash of dread comes over me. I shake it off and replace it with my true emotions. Anticipation, calculation, determination, confidence. I won't let this skinny little woman get to me just because she holds a lightsaber.

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