Chapter 14: The Beginning

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"So what do we call you now?" I sit down next to Mando with a plate of hash as she leans over my datapad.

She... I look her body up and down. In some ways, it looks just the same as it did yesterday. Tall, and stiff with superiority, a shiny helmet obstructing her view of the world. In other ways, it's like there's a complete stranger on the ship. She's only wearing a black turtleneck long sleeve, and her black tactical pants. The gloves are still there, but her boots are off. Her socked feet are long and narrow, there's an actual curve to her waist, and her shoulders don't look very broad. I can tell she has tits. They're there. And I just know they're the perfect size for smooshing my face into. But they're strapped in tight, even though her chest plate is gone. I can see the flesh under her tight shirt spilling out right at the front of her armpit. I want to tell her to take the bra off. Let them breathe... and bounce...and-


I roll my eyes. She doesn't respond further, seemingly ignoring me entirely as she scrolls through some article on the holonet. "Are you serious?"

"What do you want me to say, She-Mando?! I go by Mando."

"Yeah, but you're a-"

"I'm a Mandalorian first." She snaps.

"You're right. Sorry. I just want to get to know you better." I try to act casual and not look at her too long. She could be staring at me for all I know.


My eyebrows raise. I thought it was obvious. "You heard them last night, you're strong and powerful. And you're very refined, despite how well you fit in with the guys...." I lower my voice. "Not to mention the innocence."

Her chest expands rapidly but silently, and I see her finger hover over the datapad, no longer scrolling. Her helmet is still looking down, but surely she'd be looking at me. I give her a little smile. She doesn't respond, so I go back to eating. I remember now how rigid she was when she admitted to being a virgin. She probably thought we would all jump on her if we knew she wasn't a man. And jumping on her is exactly what I want to do. I couldn't go back to sleep last night, just thinking about how stiffly she holds herself and how wound up she is from being so isolated. I want to see her relaxed and sprawled out with satisfaction. Of course, I'd want to be the one to do it, but just seeing her without a carefully posed stance would be enough to pacify me.

Ap'lek grabs a plate of food after washing the cooking dishes. He sits down across from Mando and stares just as bad as I did. Her posture is still stiff, and her finger has yet to resume scrolling.

"Sorry I took your helmet." His eyes stay glued to his plate with guilt. "I just didn't want you running off and hiding like you always do. You don't have to do that anymore."

"You don't know what happens to me if someone sees my face." Her voice is hard. Ap'lek frowns, and she continues in a rushed voice. "I can't ever put my helmet back on. I'll be shunned from the Mandalorians- including my own mother. A disgrace. I'll lose my bounty hunting job because no one wants to hire a failure. I'll be left with nothing but a shell of who I once was. This helmet is my lifeline. And you took that away from me, forcing me into cowardice because I made the mistake of taking it off for five fucking minutes to wash my hair."

His face grows guilty and pale under her harsh tone. My own expression contorts with discomfort. Shunned?! I understand now why she exploded last night. I was mad at first, it felt like losing a friend. But then I saw he was still under there- just a she all along. Nothing has to be different if I don't want it to. But I think I do want it to. Knowing the truth makes everything she's done go from cool to sexy. And as I watch Ap'lek grovel for forgiveness, I start to wonder if any of the Knights were women, would I want them too?

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