Chapter 8: The Reveal

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I swallow back my nerves at the top of the stairs. If it comes to a fight, I know I can handle myself. And maybe Kuruk wants to tell me something about the mission, might not have to do with me at all. He keeps his back to me, giving me a chance to look around for a second.

The stairs open up to a cockpit. Everything is the same mismatched matte black, but this space is a million times cleaner than the rest of the ship. Every surface is spotless and glistening. There's four black leather chairs in rows of two, each looking spotless except what is obviously the pilot's chair. The arm rests are worn down and the seat cushion has lost a little firmness. But it's still just as spotless as the room around. The air is crisp and sterile. Out the viewport, I can see the destroyed Resistance base, now sitting under a hot sun.

Kuruk whips around and takes an aggressive step toward me. I hold my ground against his red, furious face.

"I know exactly who you are." He snarls. A vein in his forehead starts to pop out.

Fuck. I remain stiff and ready to pull out my blaster as my fingers twitch at my side. Kuruk's gaze snaps down toward the movement.

"Well," he sneers. "The jig is up. Take this shit off and I'll throw you in a cell until Master can torture you to death."

Okay, what?! Angry heat rises in my chest. Torture to death?! That's beyond harsh for pretending to be someone I'm not. And my being a woman changes absolutely nothing about the mission, only my safety on board this ship. Then his full words hit me after a moment.

"I'm a Mandalorian. I don't remove my armor." My voice is low and dark, even through the modulator.

He rolls his eyes and takes another step forward, leaving only a foot between us. "Enough... Poe Dameron. You've been caught. And you're lucky I don't kill you right here."

"Wait- what?" Poe Dameron? Is that another person?

"Enough!" He reaches for my helmet.

I shove his chest with the heel of my palms, keeping him at bay momentarily while I seethe. How fucking dare he presume to remove my helmet! "I'm not that person! I'm not a spy!"

"You are a spy!" he puts his hands down, but forces my back up against the wall so I'll have to fight my way out. "Your mannerisms are just a little too perfect, things that shouldn't make you uncomfortable, do. I see right through you, parading around under that armor to feed the Resistance information."

I shake my head back and forth, but what can I say? Some of that is true. And I can't reveal the truth. I have to find someway to prove I'm not this Dameron person, but how can do that without

"I can prove I'm just a Mandalorian." I speak quickly before I change my mind and fight my way out. It would put the entire ship against me. I'd have to escape, and then I'd be stranded on this planet.

Kuruk crosses his arms over his chest and looks at me expectantly.

I flip through my brain wildly for some kind of answer, some evidence I can provide. "I can tell you about the creation of my people, of the deities, I can recite the marriage vows-"

"Anyone with access to the holonet can spout out those useless facts." His anger peaks, and the air around me grows hot and tight, like his power is squeezing me.

My breath comes fast, and my heart pounds in my throat. "You know this Dameron person?"

He just stares me down.

"I can lessen my voice modulator so you can hear my voice better." I clear my throat, preparing my low voice register.

"You can change a modulator to anything. I wouldn't know you actually turned it off."

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