Chapter 24: The Name

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Despite my warning for them not to touch me, hands grab my shoulders to pull me away from Vicrul. My training kicks in, cold calculated fury rising to the surface. I can see clearly for the first time since I saw that stupid message.

I let Vicrul go, but spin him as I do so. He stumbles into Trudgen and Kuruk. Then I turn to the next closest threat, Ap'lek. The beskar dagger finds its way to my hand, and I move instinctually. I have to get some distance between myself and these men.

I duck under Ap'lek's arms as he reaches for me, and stab his thigh with my dagger. He roars and stumbles back. The knife comes out with blood on it. Hands grab me, and I spin and lash out with an angry grunt, swiping my blade.

An arm wraps around my neck from behind. I go to thrust my dagger up into the arm, but an invisible grip freezes my entire arm in midair. I push against it as the pressure on my neck tightens, and I'm yanked back into someone's chest. But my arm won't budge. I can't even open my fist to drop the dagger into my other hand. I reach it up to find it too is frozen. I'm stuck trembling with exertion and fury.

"Let me go!" I roar and kick to no avail.

Trudgen shouts in my ear. "No!"

Ap'lek sits down in a chair, pushing his hand against his thigh to staunch the blood. Cardo and Vicrul are doing the same, Cardo to his hand, Vicrul to his other shoulder than I one I overstretched. I still can't move my arms. They shake with the effort of trying to throw off the invisible barrier. Sweat beads along my hairline.

Heart pounding, breath heaving with anger, I watch Kuruk come into view in front of me. "We don't want to hurt you!"

My chest burns. "Yeah, you keep saying what you do and don't want. What you want means nothing to me!"

Ushar comes into view, nursing a deep cut on his cheek. "What the fuck is going on?! What orders?"

He looks to Vicrul, who glares at me. "Master said we've been taking too long and the Mandalorian has forfeited his life because of it." He blinks. "Her life. But his orders are for after we complete the mission."

"I'm not gonna kill her." Trudgen says right away, loosening his grip on my neck but still holding tight.

"Me either." Ushar shakes his head, looking disgusted.

Vicrul's angry, conflicted face darkens. "And what do you guys think will happen if we don't?! We're already taking too long, we're already facing torture."

"We have to make Mando useful to him," Ushar says.

Kuruk sighs. "And how do you propose we do that?"

"Can you fucking let me go now?!" I start to struggle against both the physical and invisible hold on me.

"No. I won't trust you until you trust us again." Trudgen tightens his grip against my struggle.

"You're just the Supreme Leader's attack dogs. I could never trust you!" I have to harden my chest against the hole growing in my gut. I was so stupid to think they might have been something else.

Ushar spits on the floor. "Fuck Master. He needs us, he can't kill us for not killing you."

I stop struggling, but I don't make an attempt to relax my muscles.

Kuruk watches me as they start to argue around me. About me. It makes my stomach churn. His frown deepens until he finally speaks in a low voice. "Is there something else behind this?"

I go cold. My lips press together, unwilling to part and speak. But the others have gone quiet and they're all looking at me.

Trudgen tightens his grip and growls, "answer."

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