κ | ten

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MOONLIGHT STREAMED THROUGH the windows in glittery rays, illuminating the room. I shut the door behind me and followed Aphrodite, who smiled at her reflection in the mirror and twirled her hair with her fingers.

"Mae," She said, as I joined her behind the mirror. "I had one of the happiest moments of my life today. I want to share it with someone and I couldn't think of anyone better than you. You keep your secrets well."

I didn't know what she meant by that last line but I nodded, helping her with untangling her hair-do. I weaved my hands through her bright silky hair, being very gentle and careful.

"Ares treated me with such affection today. It was raw and meaningful unlike the moments of lust we shared. I always wondered if he would ever fall for me rather than my body and I think he did. I hoped I wasn't the only one madly in love with him," Aphrodite said, resting her chin on her hand balanced on the table.

"He doesn't love you?"

"I suppose he does now. I can tell from how he chose to spend time with me rather than Athena."

"Athena? Why is she coming into this conversation?" I asked, confused. This didn't even make sense.

"Well, child, Athena and Ares are the Gods of War. Athena stands for strategy while Ares stands for violence, bloodshed and courage," She said, handing me a bottle. "Oil my hair, please."

I poured the transparent liquid onto my palms. "But then, aren't they supposed to be rivals? They stand for opposite entities of war."

Aphrodite gave me a funny look through the mirror. "What do you mean? If Athena is the brain that devices strategy and moves, Ares is the hands that do the bidding. They can't exist without each other. A war cannot be won with wisdom alone. It takes courage and impulsiveness."

I was impressed. "I never looked at it this way."

I started applying the oil on her hair. It smelled of jasmine and amla. "But, I still don't get why you need to be worried over them spending time together. What are they going to do anyway other than discuss strategies and chat about war. That's boring!"

"Well, they could fall in love," Aphrodite muttered with annoyance.

"But Athena is a virgin goddess. She has no love life," I said, and Aphrodite twirled around in her seat to face me. She shot me a glare.

"Fornication is just a part of love. And it is never a necessary one," She said, "Love is a feeling. Not an act. Everyone has a different way of showcasing their feelings. Some do it through passionate lovemaking, some do it through lingering kisses or a heartfelt confession or warm hugs — there are uncountable ways to show love. There isn't a rulebook for love, child. It is spontaneous and unpredictable."

I remained silent.

"Athena is a virgin goddess but she is capable of harbouring love, be it a romantic one or platonic one."

"I'm sorry if I offended —"

"Make sure to apply enough oil on the roots," She snipped and I shut my mouth immediately, feeling a stab of shame and hurt. Silence ghosted over us, only interrupted by the trickle of oil or the gentle breeze knocking at the window panes. I shifted my foot as I massaged her scalp with hesitation.

Aphrodite sighed. "Sometimes, I forget that you are a mortal," she said and I knew this was the only form of apology I was ever going to receive. "I don't want this happy memory to be tainted by my unreasonable anger."

"I'm sorry. What happened to Ares?" I asked, steering the topic.

As if the mere name turned a switch in her, she smiled. "Ares does not keep his work professional. He tends to get involved personally. That's how Ares and Athena share a tight friendship that threatened my relationship with him. Today, he sent her a note to cancel their usual session which he never does. And to do what? To play the harpsichord for me. How romantic."

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