A Promise..

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Our story start's with a pair of siblings, an older brother and his younger sister. The two held a strong and powerful bond together, a bond so great that any and all siblings would wish they were as close as the two were. 

But the two were almost the same and understood the other in their own special way, they were also the last bit of family they had left after their parents had died. Both were trapped in England when their adventurous parents had died during an explore.

The siblings were a little different from children around them, they were never one to just fit in with a crowd and they never tried to be either. 

If someone couldn't love them for how they were, than they didn't deserve their own love in return. 

While the youngest sister followed more along their father path, trying to become an Egyptologist and  Archaeologies. Her brother, he decided to write his own fictional books over Egypt myths, legends and history. The two siblings who lost their parents at the age of nine and eleven were luckily taken in from an old family friend of their parents, both siblings being brought to Egypt when they were ten and twelve, the two had visited with their parents year and knew the man known as Coran oddly well. He was a strange man who never stopped the two from learning over the unknown, even allowed them to read his books as long as they kept out at the library but he was also .. tucked away, he was friendly and cared for them but he was closed off. Always kept them at arms left, keeping an eye on them and seemed filled with secrets that he'd never tell.

Matt life work had started off when he was just nineteen, his first book sold better than anything else and that only fuelled him to carry on his hobby that he grew to love more and more as he did his research and traveling to the places his stories are based over or within. 

But his sister, once she had finish school at sixteen, she was finding following her own dreams rather difficult. She got stuck being a simple Librarian that was way too smart to be stuck sorting out books. She still did her research, looked out for the unknown and tried proving herself to the world but ... she was nothing more than a women in the eyes of the world. 

A women who couldn't be tamed, sure she was smart but her gender was seen first. 

She hated it, she knew she could be as good as anyone else or even better. 

Her brother believed in her too and so did their childhood friend Lance, who became more like family to the siblings. Even he, the boy who'd been memorized by treasure had faith in her becoming one of the best. 

If both of them could see her skills and worth than why couldn't Bembridge scholars do so too or even Coran. He'd once supported her into learning as much as she could before her parents had died but since, he'd just seen her as a silly girl.

She just wanted her chance, just a tiny one to prove herself to the world and live doing something she loves. 

That's all she's ever wanted, she'd even give up her love for Hamunaptra. 

She had always had a soft spot for the place, always wanting to learn more and more over it. It was her favourite study and she once dreamed over finding the place herself one day. She would beg her father to tall her the story over Hamunaptra, tell her the rumours over t he curses set upon the place and the treasure within. 

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