The legs of Anubis..

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Shiro took lead, a torch in his left hand and one of his guns tightly held in his right. The place might seem untouched as they walked along the long and dark corridors filled with nothing but dust, sand and cobwebs. But they knew that Matt group had at least reached this place and something made him vanish from it, they had no clue over what or who could be larking around with them. 

Katie kept rather close behind, making sure he'd be able to see her if he glanced over his shoulder or looked in the corner of his eye. Her tool kit loosely held in her right hand as she looked around the hallways for any markings or clues. 

Lance followed a bit behind, leaving a step between them as he carried another torch in his right hand. Being careful to not set his sister to be hair on fire by mistake and also making sure they didn't pass anything they might have overlooked. 

Varkon, he was at the back with his own torch and his legs were trembling with each and every step. He kept looking around, acting a bit jumpy and mostly keeping an eye out for any bugs. He kept checking to make sure he was still close to the rest, not wanting to get lost from them. Even if the other's only had to take a deep breath to smell him and know he was still with them. 

He spinning around on the spot as a slithering and crawling sound echoed through the walls. All looking around for the source as it sounded like a million bugs rushing around them at once. Setting all their hairs on the back of their neck standing up.

"What was that?" Lance weakly asked as they all stood facing a different direction. Shiro facing ahead for any sighs of trouble. Katie staring to the right wall while Lance stood facing the left wall for any signs of something trying to break through them. Varkon facing  the direction they came from, checking nothing was sneaking up on them.

"Sounds like .. bugs" Shiro answered, speaking a little bit louder as he mentioned bugs in hopes to mess with the warden a little. 

"He said bugs" Katie repeated with false concern as she turned round to look towards Varkon, hiding her smile until she was facing forward and they were all moving again. 

"What do you mean, bugs? I hate bugs" Varkon cried back in panic, looking all over the place for any bugs and becoming on high alert. 

Not seeing as Lance started tapping his fingers along the wall, making the sound echo as if the bugs were heading back their way. Katie blowing towards a few cobwebs making them sway as if a large number of bugs was making vibrations through the walls. Both siblings having to bite their lips as Varkon completely started freaking out and Shiro cleared his voice, hiding the laugh that did escape him. 

After a few minutes they reached another room, all having to duck through the doorway as the sand had raised them from the ordinal floor a little. Shiro lowering his gun once he deemed the room was safe and just held his torch out in front of him, taking a look at the object before their very eyes. 

Katie hurrying over beside him with the biggest smile on her lips. Hugging her tool hit to her chest as she tried her best to not cheer and whoop over the sight of the legs of Anubis. 

"The legs of Anubis" Katie spoke up, a huge grin on her lips as she creeped forward towards them with Shiro glued to her side. Lance stepping out of the doorway, standing up again from where he ducking and looking around the room a little. 

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