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Very near to (being or doing something)

He was so close to breaking.

Close to spilling out everything to everyone.

"I can't keep living like this..."

"Then don't."

Changbin wakes up to the loud sound of shouts and cries.

He wasn't surprised. It was like this almost every morning.

Jisung trying to cook breakfast. Hyunjin shouting at the younger for making a mess and almost burning their place down.

Changbin didn't want to get out of bed. Not after his call with Chan.

So he stayed in his bed. Not bothering to get up and draw the curtains.

"Wake the fuck up!" Jisung shouts happily as he bursts into the eldest room and opens the curtains, letting the morning sun shine in.

Changbin groans and pulls the blankets over his face, to block out the sun but also to avoid Jisung from seeing his puffy face.

"Come on hyung! Jeongin is coming over for breakfast before he heads to school."

Changbin just groans and continues to hide in his blankets.

"I expect you to be out in 5!" Jisung sings as he leaves his hyung alone.

Changbin can hear the door shut quietly. No more loud Jisung.

He sighs and pulls the blanket off of him and sits up, rubbing his face.

His head hurt. He had been debating the pros and cons of telling his trio of friends.

He just needed to tell someone.

"Good morning hyung!" Jeongin pipes up as he was the first to see Changbin exit his room.

He waves at the younger with a tight lipped smile.

"Hyung? Have you been crying?" Hyunjin asks, taking a closer look at his friends face.

Changbin touches his cheek and felt how puffy and warm it was.


"Why were you crying? Who do I have to beat up!?" Jisung shouts, waving his spatula around as he says so.

And for some reason, his name just slipped out.


Everyone stood quiet. Jisungs waving of his spatula stopped and he dropped his arm.


And that's when he just broke.

Sobbing into the sleeves of Chan's hoodie, making them damp with his tears.

"Chan and I have been dating for almost 3 years!"

The trio quickly went to Changbin, hugging him and trying to comfort him in anyway.

"But I'm tired... so tired of being a secret..." Changbin hiccups into Hyunjins arms.

Jeongin held his hand as Jisung rubbed his back. Hyunjin holding him tightly and petting his head.

"I can't keep living like this..."

"Then don't."

That's what all three of them said.

They don't want Changbin to be Chan's secret anymore.

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