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Put or keep out of sight; conceal from the view or notice of others

He always has to hide.

"Stop hiding me."

Chan and Changbin were enjoying their lunch. Chatting and laughing about the topics they talked about.

When suddenly Chan's phone went off, the other looking over the caller I.D and then picking up the phone.

"Hey Minho, what's up?"

Changbin watches every small nod Chan gives. The soft hums as he responds to every word the other says.

Soon the call ends and Chan stands up.

"I'm sorry Bin, but you have to go." Chan says softly.

Changbin looks up from his seat, eyebrows furrowed.

Why did he have to leave?

"If you're going to work, then I can just stay here."

Chan shakes his head, "Minho is coming over with some concept ideas and photos and it's going to take long."

Changbin sighs and stands up as well, his appetite leaving his system and making him sick to the stomach.

"Why do you keep hiding me?"

Before Chan can respond, there was a knock on the door.

"Shit,,, uh okay you can just hide in my room. Here take this." Chan whispers and hands Changbin his plate of food and drink.

"Will I always be a secret?" The younger whispers as they enter Chan's bedroom.

The older walks over and takes a hold of Changbins face, his cold hands resting on the youngers warm cheeks.

"Not always,,, but for now."

Chan places a long kiss on Changbins forehead and then leaves him alone in the bedroom.

He always has to hide.

Secret (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now