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Keep safe from harm or injury

Chan never let him out of his sight. Even during work.

It was his right to protect him.

"Aren't you going just a tad over board?"

"There's no such thing as over board. Not in this situation."

"Wake up!"

Chan and Changbin jolt up from the sudden yell. Looking around and taking in their surrounding.

They were still in Chan's office, on the couch.

Felix smiles softly at the two as he stands up straightly.

"Glad you're awake. Your meeting starts in 10. Hi, I'm Lee Felix." The assistant says as he extends a hand out to Changbin.

The other taking it and softly shaking it.

"Changbin." He says.

Felix smiles even more.

"Ahh the boy that Chan is madly in love with! So good to finally meet you! I can see why you love him." Felix looks at Chan as he says the last part.

"Thank you Lix." Chan says, the younger taking it as both waking him up and complimenting his lover.

"Of course. Don't forget to bring in the book. Minho wants to view it during the meeting."

Chan nods and Felix was on his merry way, waving at Changbin with a smile.

"He's,,, nice." Changbin whispers as he stares at the closed door.

Chan stands up and stretches, letting out a groan as he does so.

Walking to his desk and getting everything he needed for the meeting.

"Well, he was there when I made that announcement. And he understands why I did it.. shall we?" Chan asks as he extends his hand out.

Changbin grabs it and watches as Chan interlocks their fingers and pulls him up.

They walked into the conference room and everyone's eyes were set on them. It made Changbin feel small and he cautiously hid behind Chan a bit.

"Alright, let's get this started. Here you go Minho." Chan says as if their stares meant nothing.

Minho thanks him and gives a soft smile to Changbin, who returned it.

Chan never let go of his hand, squeezing it every now and then.

"Make up,, this isn't what I asked for. I asked you for winter colors and you gave me a mix of both fall and spring." Chan says as he tosses the photos into the center of the huge round table.

Changbin was impressed with how Chan dealt with everything.

He was protecting the face of the magazine.

Like how he was protecting him.

"Fix it. Minho, anything to add?" Chan asks as he looks at the editor.

"Hmm, nah. Seems like you got everything that bothered me." Minho replies as he leans back on the chair.

Chan nods and dismisses everyone.

Soon it was just Chan, Changbin and Minho left in the room.

The President was collecting everything, having let go of Changbins hand to do so.

"So this," Minho spoke, standing up and gestures the two.

Chan looks at him, ready to defend Changbin if Minho said anything.

"Aren't you going just a tad over board?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

Chan looks at Minho and then Changbin, then back at the editor.

"There's no such thing as over board. Not in this situation."

Minho nods. "I get it. But you can't drag him around all the time."

Changbin looks between the two males.

"Ooh are you two fighting again? Forget what the other said and make up!" Felix says as he enters the room and comes between the two males.

"We're not fighting Lix. Minho was just saying that I shouldn't drag Changbin around."

Felix nods and hums.

"Oh! Well he can come along with me or even Minho. You know we'll protect him as well. Plus we'll get to know him better." Felix suggests.

"And also, you can do your work without the worry of me." Changbin adds in softly.

Felix pushes through the two males and was right next to Changbin, an arm around the others shoulders and a smile on his face.

"See! No harm done!"

Chan nods. "Alright. But if anything happens,, and I mean ANYTHING... please come to me."

The younger nods and escapes the hold of Felix and hugs Chan. The other kissing the top of his head and returning the hug.

Happy to have others help and protect the one he loves.

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