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A father and/or mother

Chan's parents were furious about their sons actions.

Never in a million years did they think he would pull this kind of stunt for a low life.

"He is nothing but a poor boy. Do you really wanna be with someone like him?"

"I do. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Chan groans as his phone was ringing loudly in the room.

He fumbles to look for it on the nightstand. One arm holding a sleeping Changbin.

He finally finds it and looks at the caller I.D, he felt his blood turn cold as he clicks the green button.


"My my, you finally answer." A women replies with a slight annoyance.

"I'm sorry, I was sleeping." Chan whispers as he feels Changbin stir in his arms.

"I'm guessing with that commoner."

"His name is Changbin." Chan whispers lowly, his tone changing.

"Whatever. Look, your father and I are disappointed in you. Making a silly and nonsense announcement like that."

Chan swallows harshly. He knew what was going to come next.

"We told you that you can keep dating that little thing as long as you hid him away."

"And look where that got me. I hurt him so much that he ended our relationship. I was depressed. But of course you wouldn't know."

His mom scoffs at him.

"Why would you be depressed for somebody like him? He is nothing but a poor boy. Do you really wanna be with someone like him?"

Chan looks over at Changbins sleeping face; His cheeks tinted pink from the warmth, lips parted and red as they had spent the night kissing for so long. Hair ruffled.

He looked absolutely stunning.

"I do. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

His mom chuckles over the line and it sent shivers down Chan's spine.

"My sweet Channie. Of course there's something we can do."

Chan inhales sharply as his mother said those next few words to him.

"You no longer work at or for Miroh Magazine. We'll find someone better to take over as President."

"You can't do that! You know it's MY legacy to take control of it. I'm your only son. Dad won't approve of this."

"We'll see once he returns from the states. Goodbye Chan."

The phone beeps and Chan slams the phone on the night stand, waking up Changbin.

"Chan? What's wrong?" He asks as he sits up and rubs his eyes.

"I'm sorry Bin! I didn't mean to wake you."

Changbin shakes his head and wraps himself in Chan's arm, leaning his head on the said part.

"What happened?"

Chan sighs heavily and rubs his face with the free hand.

"My mother just fired me as President of Miroh Magazine."

"Because of me?" Changbin asks in a hushed tone. Feeling guilty.

Chan nods, "Yes, but don't worry about it. She can't make any rash decisions. Only my dad can."

Changbin hugs Chan's arm tightly, the elder kissing the top of his head.

"Everything will be okay. I promise."

Another promise Chan had to keep. For him and Changbin.

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