Chapter 11 : Bonding

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Chapter 11 : Bonding

Jade takes a run on her usual tracks on the beach. Running so fast, feeling like she's flying, her feet so light. 'How can she fix this, is Daniel really in love with Sarah? If he is then Emily's plan could be ruined.' Jade thought to herself. She quicken her pace, the wind feels nice on her skin. Suddenly she tripped on something, making her tumble, rolling a few times on the sand, stopping a few meters away, landing face down.

"Dammit!" Jade curses, turning her face to the left side, seeing Emily running towards her in a robe covering her swimsuit.

"Are you okay?" Emily asks as soon as she gets there, helping Jade sit up.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Jade answer, sweeping the sand off of her. Standing up, feeling the sharp pain on her right ankle. "Urgh!" She groans, sitting back down.

"Let me help you home, you can't walk like that."

"I'll ask Taylor, I don't want to add to your problems."

"No, you won't. It would be easier for me to take you, it would take quite a while for her to come here." Emily says, it's a great opportunity to investigate her more.

"Okay, thanks."

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Emily helps Jade walk, letting her put her weight on her.

"Charlotte had left already?" Emily asks, wondering how Jade had gone running that soon.

"Yup." Jade says, not wanting to remember that.

"I'm sorry I made your dinner a disaster."

"No, it's not your fault. No one could know that that was going to happened." Jade says, looking to the waves.

"How's your hand?" Emily asks gesturing to the bandage on Jade's arm.

"It's getting better. Well I can't really move it at first, but it's almost as great as new now." Jade reply, looking back to Emily.

"Wait... But why did Charlotte leaves early?" Emily asks, curious on what made Charlotte leaves early. Is the dinner just a way for her to do what she had done?

Jade think for a moment, should she lie, or should she just tell the truth? "We finish dinner, so Charlotte leaves." Jade lies.

"You know, you're not very good at lying." Emily says with a little smile.

"I'm not lying." Jade tries to lie again, can't do it well for some reason.

"Yes you are..." Emily simply says. "Just tell me the truth." It's weird that Emily want to know so much about that, but maybe it's because Charlotte is her sister.

Jade thinks for a while, deciding to just tell the truth since her lying skill is horrible right now. "Charlotte thinks that I was backing you up, choosing you over her. But I'm not choosing anyone, I just don't think that it was right."

Emily look to the right seeing Jade for a second, then going back to the sand in front of her. "I'm sorry, not only that I ruined your dinner, I also ruined your friendship."

"No, stop saying you're sorry, I'll feel bad if you keep saying that. My dinner almost cause you your relationship." Jade says sincerely, turning her head to the left to see Emily, making eye contact

"We've been through a rough patch this past week, we had just made up yesterday.  I don't know though, if he really love Sarah..." Emily stop, acting like a heart broken fiance.

"I don't know about that, but what I can see from before. The way he looks at you, he clearly loves you, but maybe you're keeping something from him, I'm not accusing you or anything, but you can have to give the true you in order to make a relationship works."

Both of them stay silent, now jade worries if she might be to forward. Emily and her aren't that close yet anyway.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to." Jade glance at Emily.

"No, you're right. At least you're saying what's real, not like many people in here." Emily smirks.

They arrive at Jade's house minutes after, Emily helps Jade walk up the stairs of her porch. Going inside, seeing nobody there.

"Taylor?" Jade calls out, waiting for a reply, but none come.

"Let's go here first." Emily says, helping Jade to the couch. Jade takes of her shoes while Emily takes a throw pillow and setting it under Jade's foot to keep it elevated.

"Thanks." Jade says, looking at her ankle, seeing swelling around it.

"I'll grab some ice for that." Emily says, also seeing the swelling on Jade's foot.

Emily goes to the kitchen grabbing some ice, Jade takes out her phone. She text Taylor, asking her where she is. Getting a reply back seconds after.

"I'm in the you know where, do you need me to come now?" Taylor asks.

"No. Just come if you see Emily going to the basement. Have you activated the alarm?" Jade texted back.

"Alright, yeah I have, what happened to you anyway?"

"I'll tell you later, Emily's coming." With that Jade lock her phone and place it next to her.

"Here you go." Emily handed her an ice pack.

"Thanks, you could go if you want. I'm sure you want to work things out with Daniel."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, this is just a regular day in my life." Jade lightly smile.

"Just be careful next time, see you." Emily says, waving and walking away. Jade waves back, seeing Emily walk out till she was out of sight.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

It's 2 am, Emily walks to the porch of Jade's house, dressed in black. Nolan had disabled the main alarm, so that Emily could enter safely. Picking the lock, opening it in just a few seconds.

Emily slowly open the door, making as little sound as possible. As soon as she's inside, she look around, making sure that the coast is clear. She walks inside and close the door, walking just a few steps when she sees a figure of a person. Jade is still on the couch, sleeping peacefully.

Emily continue nonetheless, it's not like she has any choice. She stick the cameras one by one, then going upstairs, entering the bedrooms slowly. Finishing upstairs, she goes back downstairs, checking on Jade first, to make sure she's still asleep.

Seeing Jade still asleep Emily continues, walking towards the basement door. She holds the door handle, and try to open it, failing and activating the alarm. Loud beeping sound filled the house, shocking Emily.

Jade stirred awake, still half asleep, she takes her phone and open the alarm app to stop the beeping sound. She then remember what Nolan had told her about Emily. Jade look around, holding on to the furniture for support. She doesn't really trying to look that hard, since she doesn't want to see Emily or it could complicate things.

A/N :

Guys!! I honestly still can't get over Daniel's dead... I know this is not a Danily fanfict, but still I just can't believe that he's gone... Like really gone... I've never get this much upset and conflicted by a tv show, but that is just too much I guess. And the last episode with Margaux it's just so crazy, annoying, and really quite scary.

Anyway sorry for all that, I hope you enjoy my story, and comment down bellow what you think, and vote if you like. Thank you so much for all of you who comment or vote honestly it means a lot to me. I know I barely updated lately but I really hope to myself that I will update real quickly. Thanks again to you guys :)

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