Chapter 1 : Meeting My Sisters

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I decided to get out and check out the neigbourhood, I get out and look over to my sister’s house. My mind came rushing back to the day I found out about my sister’s Revenge plan.


I’m now at my sister’s porch, quietly sneaking to the door that is slightly open. Seeing my sister and Nolan Ross the owner of NolCorp talking. I eavesdrop at their conversation.

“It’s not crazy... The pain never really goes away, but taking action helps with the pain.” My sister said to Nolan.

“I should had tracked down the falcon while David was still alive...” He sighed.

“Don’t do that to yourself, you are not responsible for this Nolan the Graysons and the falcon are.” Her eyes with some sort of anger as she says it.

Then there was a beeping sound, and their attention turn to the laptop that was sitting on the table. Emily who was sitting on the table now sits on the couch next to Nolan and focused on the screen.

“Uhh... Somebody just access Victoria’s medical records.” He said with a slight tone to it.

“Falcon took the bait.” (A/N : not really sure what she says in here.)

“Which means he’s about to trigger that little re-write that I did to his code.”

Nolan then type in something on his laptop, soon after there was a beeping sound.

“DYT?” She asks confusedly.

I don’t quite pay much attention after that, because I finally realize something. All this secret planning, talking with Nolan and Aiden, having relationship with both Aiden and Daniel at the same time... She’s planning her Revenge. To avenge her father... Our father... Because I know that my father’s innocence, and the Graysons frame him. Am I mad? Of course I am. Am I sad? Yes, I’m frustrated after knowing that, really, but I know that Revenge is dangerous, it will not only hurt the people that you are planning on getting Revenge on, but also hurt you and probably the people you love in the process. And knowing that my sister is on a path of Revenge, hurt me in some way... I’m scared of what will happen to her if she keeps doing this. Maybe she’s okay now, but what about tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Will she still be okay? I wanted so badly to go in there, tell her the truth, that I’m here sister, and beg for her to stop this, to stop hurting herself, and try to let go of her grief and just move on with her life now. But I know I can’t, because she doesn’t know I exist, she doesn’t know who the hell I am. She doesn’t know that she has one more sister...

My thoughts were broken by the sound of a crash next to me. I accidentally bump the vase that was next to the door. I quickly ran away, not even bother to look inside to see if they notice me or not. And I’m glad I didn’t, because just a second after I hide, I see Emily and Nolan rushing out the door and looking around the place.

*End of Flashback*

“Hey there!” A voice startled me.

“Hi!” I said to the owner of the voice as I look to the person, it’s my sister, Amanda, or the so called Emily Thorne.

“Can I help you?” She asks plastering a fake smile.

“Uh, no, I was just looking around the neighborhood. I’m new here.” I said with a smile.

“Well then, welcome to the Hamptons! I’m Emily.” She said holding her hands out.

“I’m Jade.” I reply, shaking her hand, right now, I’m really dying to hug her... Hold her tight, and tell her I’m her sister.

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