Chapter 1:The fog

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Third person pov

In a rapid pace of wind, ship flows through the sea. The ships was a pirate ship by the orders of captain puffy with her buckling crew. These pirates have strengths and don't mess with them or else the plank for you.

???:ahoi cap, we're bout in the sirens territory.

Cap. Puffy:thats good to hear Wilbur, but any info about them

Wilbur:may wanna ask foolish over there

Foolish:papa puff, I read bout sirens and here's something interesting, some sirens love treasure, like coins, jewelry, and gems.

Cap. Puffy: thats great foolish, but remember we ain't here to hurt them. How bout you get ready and get in the mini boat?

Foolish:aye aye!

The one name foolish ran out the door and told everyone to be ready and get into place.

Wilbur:how old is he? Six years old?

Cap. Puffy:now, now Wilbur he's just excited just like the rest of us.

Quackity:ay! Land hoe!

Cap. Puffy:looks like we're here, Foolish now!

Foolish:come on Gogy!

George:don't call me that!

Foolish  and gogy(>:3) row the boat a bit far out.

Foolish:okay let's see if they like Shiney stuff.

Foolish pulled out a pocket watch that was covered in jewls hold it in the water.

??? Pov

I was swimming around with my brother, Karl
then I saw a ship, ugh another one!? Looks like someone better to tell that queen to die already. Then something caught me and Karl's eye. There was a watch with jewls that made me and Karl stunned with shine in our eyes.

Karl:you thinking what I'm thinking Eret.

Eret:darling you know it.

  Me and Karl swim towards the watch since I have better grabbing I went up to it the grab it down but that's when I noticed that some else was holding it!


Eret:Karl! Help!!

Karl:I'm coming!

Foolish pov

It was almost 2 minutes then something grabbed on the watch. I pulled it up and saw when l gotten the thing, it was a male siren. He was beautiful and yet really blinding. He tried to struggled out of my grip.

Foolish:hey, hey it's okay I ain't gonna hurt, I'm nice.

Eret:I don't believe you!! Karl now!

A another one tried to rescue him i kept trying to tell them that me and George are full of mercy.  But then-

Tommy:Nets! Now! It's double!

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