Chapter 8:ticks 🕕

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As the sun roams and morning ticks, scrubbing the deck was hold by Karl and Tommy.

Tommy:so how's your....boyfriends?

Karl:oh, were fine but I'm just trying to plan for tonight 

Tommy:and that would be?

Karl:.... Some fun 


Drista:heyo boys

Karl:wazup Drista 

Drista:getting use to this body


Tommy:I'm just gonna go now 


Drista:bye Toms

Bad:heyo muffins what's going on?

Karl:nothing on the mind

Suddenly clouds came upon the whole ship.

Puffy:oh come on, another fog. 

Bad:everyone except for puffy, go to their rooms, I'll get the light

As Karl and Drista walk to their rooms Karl stop in his tracks and heard ticks. Like clocks work ticks. The sound kept ticking until Sapnap putted his hand on Karl's shoulder.

Sapnap:Yo hun, you okay?

Karl:yeah, just hearing stuff  

Sapnap:you want me to carry you?

Karl:sure, I'm kinda tired from this morning 

As the two walk to their room, the ticking came back making Karl drowsy. When the two came to the door frame of their door Karl fell asleep and slept in the arms of Sapnap. 

In  Karl's mind 

As Karl opens his eyes, he saw someone in the distance. He walk to them then the person disappeared. Then some jumped Karl. It was a another version of himself just all pirate clothes and no scales and a clock for an eye.

??:who are you?

Karl:I'm karl 

??:but I'm Karl as well.

Karl:strange, but you do look like me just non-siren features 

Other Karl:y-yeah strange. Oh! Were captured by sirens too? Just bad ones?

Karl:wait you were captured?!

 Other karl:yeah, but Sapnap and Quackity are really nice heheh, even their friends foolish and George.

Karl:you must be another version of me

Other Karl:must be 

Karl:so are y'all being sell off to a royal or...

Other Karl:oh no, we're just being hidden from royals

Karl:why would they want you?!

Other Karl:for our blood for healing 

Karl:mine world they want our scales for magic 

Other Karl:wow, lucky  

Karl:but your luckier 

Other Karl:please don't paise me 

Karl:oh sorry

Suddenly the ticks came back, it gave both Karls chills and sadness 

Karl:not again!


Suddenly Karl woke up  with his lovers looking at him. Both were confused. Karl took a breath and hugged, but Karl still wonders if it was a dream or not.

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