Ch.1 The TVA

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~Y/n pov~

I walked after Mobius and sat down, watching as a black haired man sassed the judge.

"Oh, believe me, you can smell the cologne of two Tony Starks." He stated, "You speak of Time criminals? It's they you should be after. Perhaps you could provide me with a task force and resources, and I could return and eliminate them for you."

"We're not here to talk about the avengers." The judge told him sternly.

"Oh, no?" The man replied sarcastically.

"What they did was supposed to happen. You escaping was not." The judge continued.

The man started laughing, "Right.. uh.. not supposed to happen? According to who?"

"The time keepers." The judge replied as if the answer was obvious.

"Oh the time keepers, right!" He continued sarcastically, "Well, perhaps I should speak to these time keepers, gods to gods."

The judge forced a smile, "I'm sorry but they're quite busy."

"Oh they are? What are they doing?"

"Dictating the proper flow of time."

Why exactly did Mobius want to be here?

This is taking ages. Although, I feel like I've seen this man from somewhere before.

As if I knew him. But that's not possible.

The TVA created me.

"I see. And what do you do?"

"Dictate the proper flow of time according to their dictations." I could tell the judge was getting annoyed now, "How do you plead?"

"Guilty." He brought his hands up, "Of this."

He did a hand motion. I was waiting for something to happen but nothing did.

He tried it again and again.

"What's going on?" The judge asked.

One of the people stood near him laughed, "He's trying to use his powers."

"Don't rush me." The man was getting frustrated.

Finally, he slammed his hands back to him sides, "Damn it, why won't it work?"

"Magic powers? They're no good in the TVA, Mr Laufeyson." The judge smirked smugly at him, "The court finds you guilty and I sentence you to be reset. Next case please."

"Reset? What does that mean?"

He started to panic more as the guards started pulling him away.

"Is it bad? What does it mean? Hey! You ridiculous bureaucrats will not dictate how my story ends!"

"It's not your story, Mr Laufeyson. It never was."

"You have no idea what I'm capable of!" The man yelled, struggling against the guards.

"I think I might." Mobius stood up from his seat.

Is this why he wanted to come in here? Does he have some sort of interest in this person?

"Have an idea of what he's capable of.." Mobius continued.

"Approach the bench."

The man finally looked over to where we were sitting. I don't think he even noticed we were there.

His eyes landed on me and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

The judge and Mobius started whispering to each other. It was clear they were arguing.

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