Ch.2 Stuck

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~Y/n pov~

Loki quickly looks up and rapidly wipes away his tears when the door opens.

"Loki? No where left to run." Mobius told him.

"I can't go back, can I?" Loki seemed as if he had finally accepted he was stuck here.

Just like me... I suppose I'm stuck here too.

"I don't enjoy hurting people." Loki sighed, a serious expression on his face, "I don't enjoy it. I do it because I.. have to, because I've had to."

"Okay, explain that to me." Mobius' voice was soft, as if he thought that Loki might break if he talked too loud.

"Because it's part of the illusion." Loki replied.

I was surprised he was being so open. He doesn't seem like the kind of person to open up easily.

"It's the cruel elaborate trick confided by the weak to inspire fear."

"A desperate play for control." Mobius concluded, "You do know yourself."

"A villain..."

"That's not how I see it." Mobius responded.


"Loki?" I asked.

He hummed in response to show he heard me.

"If I knew you.. that means I must be a variant." I bit my lip in frustration, "Can I get my memories back?"

He looked up at me and furrowed his brows, deep in thought.

"I can try." Loki got up and walked towards me.

He knelt down in front of me and reached his hands out towards me.

He hesitated for a second. I nodded telling him to continue.

Loki placed his hands lightly on my temple and then rested his forehead on mine, closing his eyes.

I closed my eyes too.

Suddenly, I was thrown into memories. But there was still something missing.

I got back all the memories. At least the ones shown on Loki's file.

I don't remember anything before New York. About my childhood.

I must've know Loki though. Because just before the New York incident I remember being in love with him.

We were together.

I can't remember everything before that.

Loki's hands moved away from my face as I opened my eyes.

He kept his forehead against mine, a look of shock on his face.

He had seen it... my nexus event.

After everything with Thanos. Five years later, the avenger fought off Thanos again.

Everyone came back from the snap. But Loki wasn't there.... Because he was killed.

I thought I'd never see him again.

It's like part of me was missing.

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