Ch.7 The void

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~Y/n pov~

I opened my eyes to see three people and an alligator staring down at me.

"What the fuck?" I asked, looking around.

This place looked like a mess. There was random shit everywhere.

Not really any signs of life. It looked abandoned.

I stood up and looked at them, "Who are you?"

The boy's eyes watered and he pulled me into a hug.

What is it with everyone hugging me lately?

I returned to hug, unsure of what to do.

A few seconds later, he pulled out of the hug and I noticed the horns on his head.

"Loki?" I asked.

They nodded.

"All of you?"

They nodded again.

"Even the alligator." I furrowed my brows.

"Yep." Kid Loki responded.

"Huh.. So where exactly are we?"

"This is the void." Classic Loki stated.

I heard a grunt, looking behind us I saw Loki.

My Loki.

He looked around in confusion.

We all stared down at him.

"Y/n, you're here. Thank God." Loki sighed and then turned to look at the other people, "And who are you guys? Where are we?"

"This is the Void. That's Alioth. And we're his lunch. Come on!" Classic Loki responded.

I followed after them as they started walking off.

Loki trailed behind us. I walked beside Kid Loki.

"I suggest we take a breather, so I can ask several thousand questions." Loki told them, panting slightly because of all the walking he is doing.

"Gotta keep moving so we don't die." Classic Loki responded.

He was leading the group.

Kid Loki sighed and looked up at me.

"What?" I whispered.

"Nothings.. it's just. I used to know a Y/n, but I was brought here and I haven't seen her since." There was a distant look in his eyes.

I wonder how long he's been here.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently.

He smiled and continued to walk beside me, holding my hand.

The alligator walked close to us.

"Okay, but what's the plan?"

"Don't die."

"Okay, but beyond that?"

"Don't die."

"Don't die isn't a plan! It's a general demand of living. If you're Loki's, you should always have a plan." Loki sighed.

No one listened to him and we all just kept walking.

I turned to look at him, "C'mon let's go."

"No." Loki shook his head, "What are you doing?"

"Following them to safety." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?" Loki yelled in frustration.

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