Ch.4 Sylvie

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~Y/n pov~

We cautiously approached the man.

He grabbed the squad leader's arm and I saw a glow of green before the man collapsed.

Did he just take over her body?

I backed away slightly.

"Is he dead?" Loki asked nonchalantly.

"No. They usually survive." The variant stated, "So, you're the fools the TVA brought in to hunt me down."

"Me, I presume."

"Please, if anyone's anyone.. you're me."

Yep that's definitely Loki.

They both sent forced smiles at each other.

"How nice to meet you." Loki forced out through gritted teeth.

We followed after the variant when they started walking.

Though, we stayed at a bit of a distant.

"Enchantment is a clever trick." Loki stated, "Cowardly, a bit amateur-ish, but clever."

"Almost as cowardly as working for the TVA." The variant quipped.

"I'm working for me." Loki responded, walking towards the variant.

I stayed back, unsure of what to do.

"You really believe that, don't you?"


"And here I was worried that they'd found a better version of me." The variant laughed.

A guy suddenly approached us, "Hi. Are you guys looking for the disaster center?"

"No." The variant then enchanted the man, the body of the squad leader fell to the floor, "Are you going to call your little friends for help?"

They both started fighting.

I wasn't sure what to do so I just watched.

Loki fell to the ground muttering, "I would never treat me like this."

Then 'Randy' revealed themselves.

A figure wearing a black cloak appeared.

They pulled down the cloak revealing a blonde woman.

She was quite attractive. I could tell she was definitely a Loki because of the horns on her head.

She then ran through the portal she created.

"Loki, should we follow?" I asked him.

He thought for a moment before nodding.

He grabbed my hand and we both ran through it.

"Y/n! Loki!" I heard Mobius yelling.


The female Loki was fighting the Minute men.

I entered the portal with Loki but I couldn't see him anywhere. Did we somehow get split up?

The woman turned to me, "Y/n."

She rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry but.. do I know you." I asked her confused.

The blonde haired Loki pulled away, frowning.

"We knew each other. We were lovers..." she smiled sadly, cupping my cheeks, "I'll help you remember."

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