Ch.5 Lamentis 1

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~Y/n pov~

I woke up to arms wrapped around my waist.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked around in confusion.

Oh yeah.. we we're on the train.

Sylvie had her arms around my waist, her face buried in my shoulder.

I gently shook her awake.

She didn't move away like I expected her to, instead she took her head off my shoulder and kept her arm around my waist, pulling me towards her.

I noticed Loki singing and drinking. Everyone else was joining in.

So much for not bringing attention to us.

"What is the idiot doing?" Sylvie asked.

I sighed, "I'd tell you if I knew."

Planning to beckon him over, I waved my hand at him.

He simply waved back excitedly and continued to sing.

"Let's go get the idiot." I stated, pulling Sylvie up and heading towards him.

"You're drunk." Sylvie stated.

"No. I'm just full." Loki responded.

I sighed. Does he not realise the situation we're in?

"Oh, don't be like that." Loki stated, pulling me into a tight hug.

"We don't have time for this you idiot." I told him.

I turned and noticed Sylvie glaring at Loki.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Loki.

"Where's your uniform? We're meant to be laying low." Sylvie asked.

"Nobody cares. It's the end of the world."

I noticed some guards coming up behind us.

"Actually.." I pointed at them, "I think they care."

Sylvie's eyes widened as she grabbed my arm and pulled me behind her.

Loki turned to see what we were looking at.

"Sir, can I see your tickets?"

Loki put his hands up as a gun was pointed at him.

He smiled nervously, "Tickets.. of course."

He held out his hand and small fireworks formed above it, "Oops. Looks lovely though, doesn't it?"

The guard restrained his and started dragging him away.

"Is this really necessary? There is a simple explanation." Loki started.

The guard shoved Loki so he shoved them back.

It eventually turned into a fight.

"Get out of the way." A guard approached me and Sylvie.

She whacked them and blocked the hit coming our way.

I grabbed her hand, "This way."

Taking a running start, I jumped through the window, using my body to protect Sylvie's.

We rolled a bit before coming to a stop.

I glanced down at her, "Are you okay?"

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Are you okay? You just jumped out of a window."

I got up and held out my hand to her.

She accepted it and pulled herself up, "You didn't answer my question."

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