Ch.6 Time cell

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~Y/n pov~

A portal suddenly opened up just as we were about to die.

And then, we were back at the TVA.

Mobius took both Loki and I back to that room.

We were separated from Sylvie.

Loki struggled against the guards, "The TVA is lying to you."

"You know, it occurred to me that you're not really the God of mischief." Mobius replied.

"Oh, here it comes. What am I? The God of back-stabbing?"

"Just kind of an asshole and a bad friend." Mobius turned his attention to me, "Y/n I expected better of you."

"When we're going to stop lying to me and tell me I was a variant."

Mobius frowned, "What? I don't know what you're talking about? What lies has Loki put in your head?"

"Nothing. He didn't do anything." I responded, "He did bring back the memories the TVA stole from me, though."

Mobius opened up a portal and the guards shoved Loki into it.

It closed behind him.

"Now that he's gone you can tell me the truth." Mobius sent me a reassuring smile.

I frowned in response, "I'm telling you the truth. You never told me the truth. I'm a variant."

"You were made by the TVA."

"Bullshit! Loki knew me. We knew each other, until the TVA stole me away and erased my memories. So no, Loki is not manipulating me." I panted, out of breath after my rant.

Mobius' smile dropped and he didn't say anything more.

Another portal opened and I got shoved into it.


Where am I?

I turned around and saw a familiar scene. Is that Thanos?

"Undying? You should chose your words more carefully."

I watched in shock as Thanos choked Loki.

He gagged and his eyes were bloodshot.

His eyes turned to look at me. They were pleading for help.

It was like they were piercing through me. I couldn't do anything.

There was a sickening crunch as his neck snapped.

Thanos threw him aside as if he was nothing.

"Undying? You should chose your words more carefully."

I watched as the same scene played out over and over.

It's all my fault. All I did was watch. If only I was stronger.

I fell to my knees and sobbed.

Why did it have to be this way? I just wanted to be happy. I wanted Loki to be happy.

And he can never be happy with the TVA around. As soon as he does something to make him happy the TVA will come and take him away.

Because in the 'sacred timeline' all he does is suffer. It's not fair.

I gasped for breath as I cried my heart out.

No one was here so what did it matter.

I cried until my eyes were red and stung. I cried until I could cry no longer.

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