Ch.8 Alioth

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~Y/n pov~

"You bastard!" Classic Loki spat, "You led the wolves right to our door."

"We prefer snakes to wolves." President Loki commented.

"I've eaten both." Kid Loki walked forward, "They die just the same."

"Apologies, my liege." Boastful Loki placed his hammer at Kid Loki's neck, "I betrayed you, and now, I'm King."

I felt my body get tense. I was ready to knock him down anytime.

"About that..." President Loki started.

All his men pointed their weapons at us.

"You can't be serious." Boastful Loki replied.

"Come on. What did you expect?"

"That was not the bargain! I gave you our location in exchange for shelter and supplies, you give me your army and I take the throne."

This is unbelievable. It's a continuous cycle of betrayal.

"Ah yes. Not so good a bargain." President Loki smirked, "How about this one? My army, my throne."

"About that.." One of the Loki's in his army said.

They then all pointed their weapons at him.

I could feel the disappointment and embarrassment rolling off Loki as he watched the variants of himself all betray each other.

"Why you beef-witted, half-faced scrubs!" President Loki growled, "We had a deal!"

"For God's sake."

Alligator Loki growled, stepping forward.

"Why the hell is there an alligator in here?"

"He's a Loki!"

The alligator charged forward and bit President Loki's arms.

He tried to throw him off.

Alligator Loki bit off a big chunk of President Loki's arm.

He looked at his arm and let out a scream.

From there, it descended into chaos and all the Loki's started fighting.

I sprinted over to Kid Loki and kicked Boastful Loki away from him.

I then shoved a random Loki where I was just stood and ran out of the way.

They then started fighting.

"Are you okay?" I asked Kid Loki.

He stared at me in shock for a few seconds before nodding.

"We need to get out of here." I stated.

Classic Loki nodded and created perfect illusions of us all fighting.

Kid Loki picked up Alligator Loki and ran towards the portal that was created.

I looked around to try and spot my Loki.

As soon as I saw him, I grabbed his hand and dragged him through the portal.


"Animals! We lie and we cheat." Classic Loki stated, "We cut the throat of every person who trusts us, and for what? Power. Glorious power. Glorious purpose! We cannot change."

I frowned.

"We're broken." Classic Loki continued, "Every version of us. Forever."

"And whenever one of us dares try to fix themselves, they're sent here to die." Kid Loki cried.

The variants | Loki x reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now