Ch.3 Apocalypse

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~Y/n pov~

"Mobius, I know you're hungry. So go eat and calm the fuck down."

Mobius grumbled under his breath and walked off.

He already told me he wanted us to do paperwork.

I didn't want to but I couldn't say no.

I placed my hands on Loki's shoulders to make him look at me.

He gave me a questioning look.

"Calm down. You can't mess this up." I told him.

Loki nodded and took a few deep breaths to calm down.

"You're right." He leant his forehead on mine, "Thank you."

I pull way from him and nod, "Come on, paperwork awaits."

Loki groaned.

"Yeah. Me too." I sighed, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.


It was silent as we both flicked through some of the files. It was pretty boring stuff.

"Oh my goodness! Don't tell me the variant ambushed and killed another team of Minute men." Loki over dramatically exclaimed, sarcasm evident in his voice.

"What a shocker!" I replied back just as sarcastically, "And stole their reset charge as well."

We went back to shuffling through the papers.


We both looked up to see a lady shushing us.

She shushed us while we were shuffling paper.

We both turned to her and shushed her back.

She frowned but didn't say anything.

"C'mon." Loki got up.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To get more information obviously."

"Oh yeah, because it was sooo obvious." I rolled my eyes.

Loki huffed and grabbed my hand, pulling me along with him.

His hands were cool in comparison to mine. It felt nice.

Loki stopped at a desk. A lady, probably the librarian, sat there typing away at a computer.


She ignored him.

"Hello?" Loki asked.

"Ring the bell, idiot." I stated.

Loki scoffed, "I knew that."

He proceeded to aggressively slap the bell.

The lady at the desk finally looked up at us, "Can I help you?"

"Yes. I'm on some important TVA business. Follow-up to a field mission. You know how it goes." Loki continued to ramble on, "I'd like all files pertaining to the creation of the TVA, please."

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