Wildly Inappropraite

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We are currently eating breakfast and mom is asking us a lot of questions

"So you excited for this week." mom asks

"I am but I'm also nervous learning another new dance" I say

"You'll be fine" my mom says

"I hope I get a solo this week" Maddie says

"Same!" I cut in

"Abby loves you both I'm sure you'll both get solos" my mom says while putting pancakes on Kenzies plate

"Yeah but Kayla got a solo last week and I didn't" Maddie complains

"Oh sush you got a trio that won the whole thing" I playfully nudge her

"And your solo won the whole thing" she fights back

"Okay you two that's enough" mom laughs

"Who do you think is at the top of the Pyramid this week?" I ask

"You." Maddie says as she finishes her pancakes

"Why me?" I ask

"You won with your solo" Maddie says

"You won with your trio" I say

"Yeah but-" Maddie starts

"Okay let's get in the car before we're late for dance because of you two fighting" my mom says

We all get in the car ready to go to dance

In the car Maddie looks really pale

"Maddie you okay? You look pale" I say to Maddie

"I'm fine." She sighs

"Maddie do you feel sick? Do you need to throw up?" Mom asks as she pulls into the studio parking lot

"I feel a bit sick but I'm fine" Maddie says

"Okay hun be careful" Mom says

"I will" Maddie says

"Let's go girls!" Miss Abby yells as we walk in

"Come on! Come on." Miss Abby says

We all sit down and stretch

"Here in Pittsburg you have won everything but clearly a different story when you get on a plane and fly across the country
For years I took the kids by myself I made sure their hair was right i made sure the makeup was right I put the headpiece on, all the mothers wanna go now because theyyyy are reliving theirrr childhood through all of you and that's when trouble happens I am the leader I am the teacher you do what I say when your mothers tell you something else to do that becomes a conflict do you understand that?"

We all nod

"Now Nia how do you think you did?" Miss Abby asks Nia

"Well I think we could've improved" Nia says

"What do you need to improve?" Miss Abby as,s

"Pointing my feet." Nia says

"Yeah very sloppy the feet the legs the shoulders your arms same mistakes over and over and over and that pulls the group down" Miss Abby says to Nia

Nia nods

"Chloe. The headband was bad" Miss Abby says to Chloe

"Next time what are you gonna do?"

"Make sure my headpiece stays on." Chloe answers

"Could you have prevented that?" Miss Abby asks

Chloe nods slightly

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