Nia Saves The Day

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we walk in for pyramid and everything seems a little more normal

"alright so we need to get to the pyramid so we can start the choreography" Abby says

"on the bottom we have Brynn."

"why?" Ashlee asks

"because Brynn does well on a group dance but you don't stand out in the group you don't draw me in" Abby says

"you said we were still on probation you said Brynns great you said i sucked you basically said i need to kiss your butt like Melissa does." Ashlee says

"i think maybe you're the replacement maybe you could help out on the phone a little bit" Abby says

"if you want me too" Ashlee says

"next on the pyramid we have Maddie." Abby says

"what?!" Kalani says

i gasp

"Maddie it was fine you were in the group dance we are thrilled to have you back" Abby says

"alright next Kendall."

"and next Kalani."

"moving up we have Nia and JoJo"

"next we have Kayla."

"and i guess it's no surprise now on top of the pyramid is Mackenzie."

we cheer and i high five Kenzie

"so this week we are staying local we're going to Fierce Dance Competition at primaertise high school, this week the group routine will play homage to none other than Mr Bob Fossy" Abby says

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"so this week we are staying local we're going to Fierce Dance Competition at primaertise high school, this week the group routine will play homage to none other than Mr Bob Fossy" Abby says

we all clap

"our routine will be entitled Bittersweet Charity, you dance tall girls obviously you'll be wearing heels"

we cheer

i haven't done a dance in heels before for competition so i'm very excited

"we have two first duet is going to Kendall and Kalani" Abby says

we clap for the girls and Kendall and Kalani hug

"you are doing a jazz duet the name of the duet is Grifters and a grifter is a con artist"

"Kalani what is the deal with your mother?"

"she doesn't want to be here so," Kalani says

"that's not right." Abby says

"my second duet is going to Maddie and Brynn"

we clap for the girls and Maddie runs over to hug Brynn

i'm obviously happy for Brynn but i haven't had a duet with Maddie in a couple of years

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