Kendall vs The Zieglers

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this week we are at Abbys new studio and i'm super excited to finally get to dance in the studio!

we head into the studio we run into the room and it looks incredible!

"do you have uh a open date then?" Kira asks

"in two weeks." Abby says

and we all clap

"since the week off nationals is your last week here i wanted to make sure that it was the same week we opened the studio're going to be here live performing meeting people signing autographs doing everything" Abby says

"alright so let's get to pyramid..big win yay!"

we all cheer

"we needed a big win going into this building and this opening and our nationals, nationals are two weeks away that's it that's all we have..are you technically prepared? no, have you improved immensely from last year? mm no"

"alright let's get to the pyramid shall we? at the bottom of the pyramid Kalani, you weren't in the group dance you missed a day of choreography i felt that everybody would be in danger if i just threw someone in it and you understood that"

"yes" Kalani says

"next we have JoJo, and i put you and Kendall neck to neck to see who would be performing for a spot at nationals..JoJo unfortunately you forgot your dance you choked" Abby says

"so is JoJo completely out for the solos or?" Jess asks

"yes accept and move on." Abby says

"i'm just asking" Jess says

"so you don't need to ask me ever again." Abby says

"next we have Nia, you were good you were great you let the kid walk up your back you did what you needed to do."

"Kendall, you were third."

"next we have Kayla, you had to trust your sister to flip you over and do it well and she did and you made it look effortless"

i smile and nod

"next we have Maddie, Maddie you were supposed to be the lead in the group dance although it was.."

"this kid they kept on talking about" Abby says as she reveals Kenzies headshot at the top

"yay Kenz" mom smiles

"alright moving on this weekend we are travelling to Spokehand washington to attend Sheer Talent competition" Abby says

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"alright moving on this weekend we are travelling to Spokehand washington to attend Sheer Talent competition" Abby says

we all clap

"in this countdown to nationals this week is very important now Kendall you were up against JoJo..JoJo versus Kendall"

"yes" Kendall says

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