11. Doctors Appointment

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I just had to go to the doctor and get my blood drawn, which sucked (haha, vampire pun). So here's a chapter for all my friends with a fear of the doctor. 

Photo by Tima Miroshichenko


Going to the doctor's office is the worst. You avoid it at all costs, only going in when you absolutely have to (me lowkey self projecting). 

Even if you don't hate the doctor's office as much as I do, there's still something about going to the doctor that just unsettles you. Maybe it's the smell, the needles, talking to the doctor about your problems, or the blood pressure machine that tries to squeeze your arm off. Whatever the reason, you don't like it and you don't want to go to your appointment. 

When you vent your concerns to your comfort character they come up with a brilliant plan. Why don't they just come to the doctor's with you? Of course they can't come into the actual appointment with you, but they'll drive you there and sit with you in the waiting room so you don't feel as nervous. 

So the day of your appointment you and your comfort character load yourself into the car and drive to the doctor together. You're a little nervous on the way there, but your comfort character soothes all those worries. 

Once you get to the doctor's office you go through the tedious check-in process then sit in the dreaded waiting room. Your comfort character sits with you and does their best to distract you from your upcoming appointment. 

Eventually the nurse calls your name, separating you from your comfort character. But, because of how relaxed you were with your comfort character, the appointment is a breeze. You feel none of your earlier nervousness and the doctor fixes you up in record time. 

"How did it go?" your comfort character asks when you get back to the waiting room. 

"Actually surprisingly well," you reply. 

You both get back in the car and your comfort character buys you your favorite treat as a reward for being so brave at the doctor's office. 


Thanks so much for reading! This was a bit longer than the other chapters I've done so I hope you enjoyed. 

Also, for any of you that were wondering from last chapter, my comfort group is The Rowdy 3 from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency . 

I really appreciate the votes and comments you all have sent my way. Keep them coming!


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