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"you... you believe her?!"

Haechan exclaimed as his eyes widened at the girl, shocked that she even believed ara. He want expecting Aeri to even believe such a pathetic lie. was she really that naive?

"I believe neither of you. But she has a point. You seem like the type to get close to someone.. make them fall in love with you.. then leave."

Aeri words flowed out of her mouth before she realised how hurtful it would be. She didn't even realise. haechan stood there still. He looks to the side, his eyes piecing through the window in the living room.

"you shouldn't believe her-"
"I shouldn't believe either of you, actually."
Aeri said. She steps away from the bench and walks into the lounge room to grab her phone.

"aeri... I'm-"
Aeri ignores his words and walks into her room and closes the door aggressively, the door slamming shut just as he completed his sentence.
"-not like that.."

aeri jumps onto her bed and replays what just happened through her mind.

was I too mean? why was I even like that? it's not like I'm going to get a crush on him.

aeri thought to herself as she stared at her roof. She gets up off her bed and sits at her desk, deciding to write for her project.


haechan laid restless on his bed as he ignored his phone beeping from notifications. Growing more annoyed he rolls over and grabs his phone, turning it off completely so he wouldn't be bothered.

He lays back onto the bed comfortably as he stares at the roof. One hand was under his head while his other hand was on his stomach. He stayed in complete silence, hoping that maybe he would just fall asleep and wake up from this nightmare.

"why would ara have to come and ruin things. Right when I'm actually trying to get a girlfriend she comes and ruins things. of course she would. If I remember ara correctly, it's her way or no way."

haechan slapped his hand onto his bed as he sat up.
"why would aeri believe her... why would.... what are some things that made her not trust me? Because i am moving fast? is that why? do I stop..?"
haechan fell back down into his bed dramatically as he stared at his roof with annoyance.

He gets up again and grabs his phone. He sits at his desk and opens his phone up, finally looking at the messages.

ew ara

Dont be mad at me
Cmon just reply

Why did you come back into my life?
because you just started ruining things between me and my roommate
for fucks sake

You dont want me back?
You dont feel horrible for
throwing me out of your life.

I didnt throw you out of my life Ara!
I grew up which is something you need to do!! If you still like me, well sorry but no.
I dont want anything to do with you so just stop interfering with my life.

You are just going to use aeri right? I mean thats what you did with me. Its what you always seem to do.

What on earth?
Why would you even think that
Aeri and i are just simply friends.

Awfully close

We are roommates, we don't
have a choice but to get along.

Then why dont you get with me


Oh dont act surprised haechanie
I have had a crush on you since we were young.
Everyone but you, knew.
It was so obvious.

Look ara we arent kids anymore

My feelings never changed, even though you left me.
Why dont we just date?

Why should we even date?

Your parents want you in a relationship, plus they know me and they love me. Its a win-win situation.

Ara i don't want to date
someone to just please my parents.
I want to date someone
because i like them, love them.
Im sorry but i dont feel that way towards you.
plus I'm already testing things out with Aeri.

So here you go again kicking me out of your life?

What the fuck ara

You had me, you still have me. Im still an option.
Date me and its all over, no more problems.

In your fucking dreams ara

you have blocked this number

haechan slams his phone against the table and throws his head back, tempted to scream out of anger. Everything was going so well, now it's ruined. He stands up, leaving his room and walking across to aeri's bedroom.

He froze in front of her door, holding himself back before giving up and knocked on the door pretty loudly before leaning against the door frame waiting for aeri to open the door.

aeri opens the door and looks at haechan confused, raising an eyebrow at him.
"what's up?"

"wanna go for a walk? I'll explain everything."


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