Chapter 9 - not even going to try

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Rose's pov

Jeff and slendy were following me, what prank should I pull I wonder? I walked up to my house, opened and closed the door locking it to give me slightly more time to prepare. quickly I started getting ready.

Mystery person's pov

I heard the door open and slam shut, followed by a locking sound. crap, she's back! I calmed down and took a hiding place in the basement, I really must report back to slendy about these... interesting decorations. I snapped back to reality when suddenly the door opened, but it sent no light into the already dark room. I heard light footsteps race down the stairs and shuffling noises as she worked with something near the door. very faintly I heard a chuckle come from deep within the room. I sensed slendermans presence in the house, followed by an unlocking door sound, apparently so did the girl, as she snickered again. then all of a sudden she screamed! high and shrill sounding like a fearful and panicked cry. immediately slenderman and Jeff raced to the open door, to come tumbling down them.

Jeff's pov

I unlocked the door as slendy transported into the house. once in we heard a blood curdling scream and ran for the basement the noise was coming from. I whipped open the door and tried to run down, but my foot got stuck on something and instead I came tumbling down, followed by slenderman. we hit the bottom of the fairly long set of stairs with a crash. I groaned in pain and tried to get up, and was blinded by a bright light. looking up I saw rose standing above me, she looked amused but pissed as well, kind of scary if you ask me. she smirked and demanded

"The fuck did you two want now!?" Slendy was standing already and it was just me on the floor. I quickly stood up and brushed myself off.

"Well we heard the scream and came to investigate" slendy answered before I could have a say. although he left most of the truth out.

"Ya right! like I believe you. I know you were spying on me all day, and I know someone is hiding near those two barrels over there!" she yelled, pointing in the corner where a familiar face emerged.

"Masky!? wtf are you doing here?" I asked.

"O-oh y-you know, just following orders" he replied shyly. I sighed and looked back at the pissed off girl in front of me.

"If you don't tell me what's going on right now I'm going to flip the fuck out and hurt one of you!" she continued to rant.

Slendy's pov

She is simply remarkable, knowing that we were following her and that masky was present.

"Okay, we will talk, should we go upstairs?" I asked, she nodded and headed past us to the top of the staircase. she stooped down and removed a peace of strong string from the bottom of the door, that's what must of tripped us. we all followed suit.

Once we were all in the living room she gestured us to sit down. we obliged and she went into the kitchen to get some snacks. masky turned to me asking

"What are you going to tell her?"

"The truth I suppose" I answered after
thinking about it.

"What are you nuts!? your going to tell her we stalked her for your personal reasons!?" Jeff whispered harshly. I sighed

"No, I haven't told you guys this but I want her to be my proxy, masky did you find anything?" I explained.

"Well actually y-"

"You want me to be your proxy!?" interrupted rose as she came back in the living room, hands full of little sandwiches.

-yay! I got another chapter done! too bad I suck at titles-

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