Diagon Alley

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It had been half an hour since the Hogwarts express arrived at King's Cross station and I had made my way to the muggle side of the station. I look around the empty platform for the Dursleys but they are nowhere to be found.

"Guess I'm making my own way" I sigh quietly to myself whilst glancing at my heavy battered-up trunk on the floor. Grabbing it by the handle I made my way out of the station I found my way to a quiet side street nearby. I check there's no one around and stuck my wand into the road to summon the knight bus.

"The Leaky Cauldron please" I calmly tell Stan Shunpike before he can go on his usual spiel.

10 minutes later I'm standing at the entrance to Diagon Alley. It's much quieter in the alley than when I usually come with the Weasleys or the time I came with Hagrid before my first year. Looking back at my battered trunk I decide to head straight for the luggage store to get a replacement one. After a while, in the store, I walk back out with a new simple-looking trunk with Potter printed into the side. Nothing to fancy like Malfoy would have but much nicer than my current trunk. However, looks can be deceiving and it's the inside that matters.

Inside there are 5 compartments all with extension charms on them, each compartment can be accessed by inserting a specific key into the single lock on the front. The first compartment has a key with a bow tie on and is a wardrobe with a clothes rail that pulls out. The second compartment's key insignia is an apple as it is a food storage space that is split into 2 sections on the left half its room temperature almost like a pantry and on the right is a cool section to act as a fridge. The next compartment is space for all my potions ingredients and equipment to be kept well preserved and well organised so the key has a cauldron on, I would rather like potions if it weren't for Snape and was looking forward to it in my first year. The fourth compartment might be my favourite. It's a library with enough space on the shelves for endless books the key has a stack of books on. The final compartment is for general storage; this key is just plain. All my keys came on a little keyring that I had attached to what appears to be a simple gold chain so I could wear it around my neck for "safekeeping". In reality it has many enchantments on it to prevent it being lost, stolen or damaged.

The new trunk also came with many charms and enchantments on it such as being able to shrink or grow with the tap of a wand, anti-theft charms, protections from the elements, and a feather-light charm. Once I was out of the store I went down the small alley to around the back of the stone building housing the store in hopes of finding a small place out the way to put all my stuff in my new trunk.

When I finished transferring my belongings I looked around and saw a stack of old worn-out trunks and so I put my old and now empty trunk into the pile by the back door. The new trunk, whilst costing most of my remaining money from my last Gringotts trip in the previous summer was so worth it as I shrink in and place it into my pocket. As I make my way back onto the main street of the alley I take out my remaining coins to see what's left, it's not much but should be enough to get some supplies before catching the knight bus to the Dursleys. With the plan made I head to the stalls selling general items. I grab enough food to survive a few weeks at the Dursleys, storing it in the fridge section of my trunk.

Seeing as I won't be able to spend any galleons while at the Dursleys I don't bother going to Gringotts. Knowing I have an emergency stash of wizarding and muggle money alike in a pouch under the floorboards in my at the Dursleys just in case is enough to reassure me I can manage until the end of summer. With this in mind, I go to find somewhere to catch the knight bus to my personal hell - The Dursleys house aka 4 Privet Drive, Little Whining, Surrey. 

AN- Happy birthday to my amazing beta reader sorry I cant spell 💩  and my grammar was terrible the first time you read this 😅

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