The Great Escape

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"Dudley, we have to go now! Like right now, grab anything that's not already in my trunk and any money you can find" I say hurriedly as I burst into my cousin's room. 

Dudley lowered the magazine he was reading and looked at me, studying my frantic face.

"Now Dudley!" I exclaim running out of the room off to do the same, seeing that his cousin really wasn't messing around Dudley scrambled off his bed and set about gathering the last of his supplies; his freshly done laundry he had finished that morning was still in the hamper and had yet to be put away, shoving some of his magazines and his piggy bank into the hamper for ease to carry. leaving his room Dudley rushed to his parent's room and went straight to the closet finding the shoe box in the back he knew his mother kept some spare cash and emptied the lot of it into the hamper, they could count it later. placing the shoe box back where he found it Dudley turned tail and went straight to my room to see me dropping coats for each of them and what appeared to be a wash bag into the magically expanded trunk. 

"What's with the hurry cousin?" Dudley asked whilst passing the hamper to me to lower it and all its contents into the trunk before closing it and doing up the buckles. 

"Not now Dudley" 

"Harry ..." He started to protest 

"Dudley I promise you once we are out of here I will tell you but we really got to go"  

With the last of their supplies in the trunk, I tap the designated spot to shrink my trunk and stuff it into my pocket. Running down the stairs I head to the back garden once at the back fence I pause cup my hands together and give Dudley a boost before pulling myself over the fence. Once over I see Dudley has already started making his way towards the side gate of this stranger's house just as planned. We make our way to the main road where we catch a bus into the city not talking not looking back or we would have seen the smoke rising from where 4 private drive is situated. Getting off the bus at the train station in town we find a quiet spot out the way where we can talk and plan from here. 

"Harry please tell me what's going on" Dudley whispers his voice shaking a bit but otherwise showing nothing that would suggest the chaos that he had just been through on what was supposed to be a normal Saturday afternoon.

"Spotted my godfather's cousin in the shops', she's a death eater called Bellatrix Lestrange. She's sadistic, and cruel, and would have no issue with torturing us to insanity before killing us and believe me it wouldn't be quick. On the way back I spotted at least one other known death eater but so many got off last time and I bet He has been recruiting so they could be anyone. No sign of any of Dumbledores lot either so I figured it would be safer if we got out before they could catch up to me"

"Okay what's the plan?" 

"Train to London and then buses and tubes across the city taking care to make sure we aren't followed then a Train to Bristol I think I know somewhere we can go in a village near there" I explain thinking about a house Sirius told me about.

"You think you know somewhere??!!" he bursts out with a look of disbelief at the uncertainty of the situation. Looking around hoping his outburst didn't attract any attention from passers-by I shushed him  "... Okay, I trust you. I will go get our tickets - all zones right? Why don't you go check out the travel boards and see when the next train to London is and what platform?" Dudley is now in thinking mode

"We got this it will be okay, but hurry, Oh and here" I pass him my coin pouch that I had dug out of the trunk while we talked, "there should be some pounds in there."

A plan agreed upon we stood up "I'll wait by the pillars over there" pointing in the direction of 2 pillars over by the stairs to get to the other platforms, out of the way of the crowds. 

Looking at the boards I note that the next train to London is to London Victoria station and is in 15 minutes. Walking over to the agreed-upon pillars I look around, people-watching making sure there isn't anyone I recognise death eater or otherwise.

At that moment someone tapped my shoulder from behind, startled I grab the hand and spin around to face my would-be attacker twisting their arm as I did so. 

"Ow! Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow ow! Harry, it's me" they cried out, realising I had in fact just attacked my cousin I let go. 

"So you get the tickets?" I ask as I walk towards the barriers 

"Yes of course" an uneasy feeling washes across me as I glance sideways at him. 

"HARRY!" a yell from behind us echoes, whipping around I see Dudley running towards us looking between them I realise one is a fraud but they are completely identical I have no idea which is the real Dudley. Stepping closer dragging them together into an awkward huddle weary of the public environment we find ourselves in and drawing my wand taking turns to point it at each of them neither reacts. "Tell me something only Dudley would know about me" pointing my wand at the one on the right "You secretly love to read" the left speaks I redirect my wand to him as he talks "as a kid you would hide behind the school with books from the library because my parents disliked that you were smarter than me" the Dudley on the left responded, satisfied with the answer I cast a sticking charm on the fakes feet and pull Dudley away before they can grab him. Out of arms reach I have to disguise my wand a bit more but have no issue casting a quick obliviate at the imposter covering our tracks and hopefully delaying anyone catching up to us. 

"Okay that should do it but we must be quick" tugging Dudley along into a short jog to the ticket barriers he shoves a ticket into my hand and we rush through the barriers. 

"Platform 2," I say as I break into a fast pace walk, Rushing we mixed with the crowds and just make it onto the train as the doors close and it pulls away. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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