Spotting the guard

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A few days after the confrontation with Remus in the park I have settled back into the routine of being at the Dursleys with the exception that I'm actually able to eat an average amount and not be starved, Dudley is being friendly to me- we have even hung out a few times, and I have heard the distinct *pop* of apparition at all hours.

Waking up at the now usual time of 5:30 am, I quickly got dressed into my running gear and was just tying my laces when I hear a tap at the window. Looking over I see a beautiful burrowing owl its feathers resembling dappled light across a forest floor, its large grass-green eyes, and talons that look like they could do some serious damage if so desired. Once I opened the window it gave its wings a few quick flaps and landed on Hedwigs' empty perch, as my enchanting friend had gone hunting last night and was yet to return, sticking its leg out I realised that there was a letter attached to it. "Hello beautiful," I say quietly to not wake anyone as I tentatively untie the letter and gave the owl a treat that he kept next to the perch he unfurled the letter and started to read.

It was from Hermione and rather empty in contents at no point did she answer any of my questions from my previous letter in fact the only thing she mentioned of how her summer was going or of any plans was that she was remarkably busy doing something that she didn't deem worth me knowing. The whole thing felt wrong the wording was very unlike her and whilst it was definitely in her hand there were places where her quill had pressed down harder as if she was debating whether to write something or not, evidently, she chose not to tell me about whatever it is that is clearly bothering her.

With a sigh, I place the letter down on my desk checking my laces are tied efficiently I head off on my run debating how to respond to Hermione's letter that was troubling me. Imagining a non-descript witch or wizard running after me whilst keeping a glamour on themselves brought a small smile to my face as I imagined them getting more and more out of breath trying to keep up so as to not disappoint the "great" Albus Dumbledore. Now that was an issue that I needed to find a conclusion to by the end of summer.

After running 7 miles around Little Whinging's paths, alleyways, and underpasses I find myself approaching the park Remus and I had our talk. Thinking why the hell, not I sprint the path past the kids' playground onto the field behind encased in brambles on 3 sides and the playground on the 4th.

The yellowing grass underfoot as I run the perimeter of the field a few times before heading to the centre where I have a decent view of the exits I plop down and sit enjoying the coolness of the early morning and a few small mouthfuls of water from a bottle attached to my waistband before I lean back with my arms stretched behind to support me to just take a minute for myself.

Taking some deep breaths to catch my breath a bit and relax a bit, I move into a cross-legged seated position I saw in one of Aunt Petunia's yoga VHS tapes a few years ago.

With a final cursory glance around I close my eyes focusing on my breathing I mentally go through everything I need to do today, sort through everything that happened yesterday, and allow myself to feel any emotion that pops up. Allowing the concern for Hermione when her letter came to mind filled me up allowing me to truly feel the emotion before letting go of it. My sorrow for the loss of Sirius while it has diminished somewhat still felt very raw. Taking a deep breath for 1... 2... 3... Holding for 4... 5... 6... Exhaling 1... 2... 3... Holding 4... 5... 6... and then repeating feeling my grief which while I haven't been able to let go as much as I have with other emotions it does sink into me and become less prominent after doing my breathing exercises I think the muggles call it mindfulness.

Once I'm done processing my emotions and planning my day I open my eyes. Looking to the east I can see the Sun just grazing the tops of the brambles, I stand up with a big stretch up and continue my workout using the space of the football pitch that has been marked out with some sort of paint I do a full body bodyweight workout. I'm still not as good as I want to be but I have definitely made progress and you can finally start to see my muscles developing a bit giving me more to my body than the skin and bones I was before. Following my workout on the football field, I run the short way home as I took a bit longer to centre myself today.

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