Enemies to Friends

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As the weeks progressed Dudley and I got closer, we signed up for the gym together and attended several classes there. My favourites are CrossFit, karate and yoga Dudley enjoys spin classes and Karate, he is still losing weight but seems much healthier and happier now while I am still working on adding muscle and improving my stamina. 

Despite our clear differences and the not-so-great history between us, we are rather close now as we have taken time to get to know each other much to the horror of Petunia and Vernon. Spending most of our time together from working out and gym classes to studying and just spending time together in general. We have taken to playing worms on his PlayStation after dinner from what I gather it's rather popular with muggles and I can see why it's very fun and can get quite competitive between us. 

Dinner time at the Dursley household has gotten extremely tense, Dudley insisted I was to eat with them and have proper portions not just scraps. He even threatened to go on a hunger strike until they let me eat with them. Even still Dudley has been eating normal portion sizes which Petunia insists isn't enough for her precious Dudiekinns but he is staying strong and while it was a struggle to begin with his appetite has shrunk. Vernon and Petunia have been absolutely vile to both of us saying I've "tainted" their precious Dudiekinns with my freakish ways and that he needs to drop all this nonsense and start eating "properly" again, eurgh eye roll. This has led to Dudley joining me for meals in my room using the food stored in my trunk we will need to restock soon if we are to have any hope of having enough food to survive if we have to run.

My trunk is packed with essentials just in case and we have plans and designated meetup points for if we get separated. We will be travelling muggle as Dudley cant see the knight bus and I can't apparate yet. In short, we are ready!

Preparation aside I can see our relationship getting stronger as Dudley gets further away from the spoilt child he used to be and I work on healing from the trauma of my early childhood. We both have a long ways to go in healing both physically and mentally but having each other and knowing we're not alone in going through stuff has been so helpful. We push each other to improve in our various activities, and we talk about the past and how we feel. Some say it's too feminine for two teenage boys to be doing but we find it therapeutic and it's not like I can go talk to a muggle therapist even if I knew where to find one. And Dudley would have to get his parents' permission as we are still minors. This works well enough for now and I'm sure we will work through it, and I will buy us some psychology books when we go to London for a trip to Diagon alley once the book lists have been released and Dudleys are sent out around the same time so we can get his stuff at the same time though I'm not sure what we will do about his uniform as I'm sure it will be far too large for him by the time September comes.

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