Arriving in hell? or am I?

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I get off the knight bus at the park a few streets over from privet drive and start the walk to what I know will be an awful summer just as the last 3 of them were. 

As I reach the door to number 4 I let out a small sigh before letting myself in and heading to the stairs quickly and quietly praying to make it to my room without issue. Noticing Uncle Vernon is in the front room in front of the TV and hearing Aunt Petunia washing the dishes at the sink I start my way up to my room. Avoiding the squeaky step I make it halfway up the stairs keeping an eye on my Aunt and Uncle that I don't look where I'm going till I see Dudley out the corner of my eye at the top of the stairs. I pause and slowly turn to face him, he looks skinnier than last summer guess the diet his school matron was going to put him on is working and then he does something unexpected. He backs up and gestures for me to hurry up to the top. I do so quickly wary of my aunt and uncle downstairs knowing how much trouble I will be in if they spot me with my new trunk. Stopping when I get to the top unsure of what to do as the Dudley I remember would have barged past me making as much noise as possible before blaming me when Uncle throws a fit, seems some of his changes go more than skin deep.

After watching each other for a minute I circle around him and head to my room, he follows me.

Once I'm in my room I head straight to my old rickety bed with a worn-out mattress and pull my trunk out of my pocket. Placing it in the middle of my bed I take out my wand and give it a quick tap in the designated spot upon which I hear a slight gasp, turning my head I notice Dudley standing in the doorway with a look of amazement on his face.

" It's just a bit of magic Big D" I taunt rolling my eyes "you know the stuff I've been learning at my 'freak' boarding school for the last 4 years". 

"You're not a freak " he mumbles quietly. My mouth falls open I can barely believe my ears, realising I'm staring I close my mouth and look away.

"I've changed" he continues walking forward fully into the room he pauses and gestures to the door " Alright if I close this? I think we have some catching up to do cousin". 

Stunned I nod slowly and head over to my desk turn my chair and sit down, looking back to Dudley I can see he is unsure of how to proceed. I tilt my head to the bed, he understands the silent message and sits down now that we are both comfortable we sit in silence for a short while it's a tad uncomfortable but I can see on his face that he is trying to find the best way to phrase what he wants to say, and so I sit and wait.

After a while, he looks back at me "I've learnt a lot since we were 11, Smeltings ain't as great as dad made it out to be. I was getting bullied for my weight for the first 2 years it was awful and then  I realised my parents and I have been doing the exact same maybe even worse to you for your entire life. I'm trying to change not just by losing weight but by evaluating every part of myself. I don't expect you to accept it but I'm sorry for any part I had in your suffering all these years." 

"I ... I don't know what to say, Dudley. I'm sorry you went through that and are using it as a learning opportunity to improve yourself, but I don't think I can fully forgive you yet. I need to see that you are actually trying to change."

"Oh ..."

"How about a truce, we stay out of each other's way for a bit and come back to this conversation in a few days. Now if you don't mind I've had a long day and I'm really tired." 

"Yeah of course. See you tomorrow Harry?"

"Sure thing Dudley, see you tomorrow."

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