Harry's run gets interesting

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Waking up the next morning I felt strangely calm looking over at the clock and saw it was only 5 am. Taking my time I got up slowly, got dressed into some running clothes strapping my wand to my arm in its holster I left the house as quietly as possible. 

Once on the lawn, I started warming up and stretching, waving to Mrs Patterson who was just getting in from her shift at the hospital looking particularly exhausted her dirty blonde hair thrown up haphazardly in a messy bun moving sluggishly towards her front door she waved back half-heartedly. 

Focusing back on my work out I finish stretching and started jogging to the end of the street. Enjoying the crisp morning air and the view of the sun rising over the tops of the houses as I ran through the streets. 

But then as I turned the corner onto Wisteria's Walk I saw a glimmer as if someone was wearing a concealment charm standing on the road I had just run down. Now paying more attention as I ran through an alleyway onto the main road looking behind, the glimmer indicating the concealment charm seemed to be following me. 

I kept jogging although at a bit slower of a pace now that I was sure someone was following me trying to think of a plan when I arrived at the steps down to the underpass.  With the spontaneity of a true Gryffindor, I quickly took the steps down to the underpass. During that time I formed a partial and particularly Gryffindor-ish plan once at the bottom of the steps I turned left going through the underpass towards the park. Where beyond the playground that was sure to be full of little kids running around screaming and laughing later in the day was a football field. A big open space with nowhere for ambushers to hide, it was perfect. 

Walking the last bit of the path past the swings swaying in the slight morning breeze, I slipped my wand from its holster, carefully holding it in a way it wouldn't be seen from behind, making my way to the centre of the field I stopped. Standing there I take some deep breaths before spinning around and seeing the glimmer of the enchantment stop just 5 meters away pointing my wand at it gripping tight on the handle before saying menacingly "Show yourself! There's no point denying you're there and staying silent I can see a glimmer of your concealment charm" 

After a few moments of what seemed to be deliberation, they removed the concealment charm to reveal ...

"Remus! What are you doing here? Blimey, if you'd waited any longer I would have hexed you"

The werewolf in question ran a hand through his hair looking guilty. 

"Dumbledore has people watching you " he admitted.

"HE WHAT!!!" I start rapidly looking around confirming to myself we were alone.

"Shhh" Remus whispered lunging forward to cover my mouth with a large hairier than average hand, looking around nervously. "You're not supposed to know, there is this group of people who fought You Know Who in the last war. Dumbledore called all survivors back as soon as he was alone in his office after you came out of the maze from the last task" he rushed out before I could attempt to move the hand covering my mouth to say anything. 

"So... let me get this straight. Dumbledore has a group of wizards and witches stalking my every move. For what purpose? When did it start? Who's in this group of people who Dumbledore has got stalking me? " I queried in quiet anger pulling Remus' hand away from my mouth.

"Not stalking you Harry, Protecting you..." Remus pauses waiting for the next out burst when it doesn't come he continues "We are to follow you and protect you should any death eaters show up and attack. The first person, I believe was ex-Auror Alastor Moody the real one this time, he insisted on doing a full sweep of the entire area with additional people when he started his shift at 9 pm last night. Constant vigilance and all" rolling his eyes at the last staement.

"So you, Moody and Dumbledore. Are there any more or is that it?"

"No, no of course not" he says shakily, not convincing me in the slightest. "But I'm not exactly supposed to tell you any of this Harry. No, Dumbledore was very clear no one is to interact with you in any way, we are to let you grieve in peace and ensure no outside interference. I will say good job spotting that concealment charm though good to know it will be a hard job on anyone trying to sneak up on you in any way" his eyes glimmering with what appeared to be pride and yet still had some curiosity to how I got so good.  

"Lots of practice with the Weasley twins pranking everyone constantly and students in the corridors last year trying to get their own on me for my name coming out the cup and taking the limelight away from ... from Cedric."  Answering his unasked question, at this Remus gives a small sad yet strangely comforting smile and a gentle nod of understanding.

"Let us head back it's not safe to be in the open for so long. you're going to have to guide the way a bit you managed to get me turned around a bit on that run of yours. Speaking of whats with the running?" as he started to walk away

Taking a few quick steps to catch up with the tall man "I haven't forgotten about those other questions I asked Remus but I will let it go for now. As for running ... well, I read this book when preparing for the tournament that said if you partake in physical exercise then your magical core will last longer in duels as you won't get tired as easily. Also, it's the only quidditch training I can consistently do throughout the school year and over the summer. At school Oliver Wood has us running laps of the Quidditch field before every training session as part of his warm-up slave driver that he is. However, it seems to be working and I am in the best shape of my life ." 

"I must say your speed was quite impressive and how far was that run today?" 

"Thank you, I did some secret extra runs round the lake at Hogwarts to improve my speed and stamina but don't tell the twins that they will say I cheated the bet." I smirk at the memory while Remus just shook his head in disbelief. "Today I was supposed to do 15 miles or so to get home by 7:15 so I could have 15 minutes to shower get changed and start making breakfast before my Uncle woke up. Aunt Petunia has a book club meeting later so she would have gone to get some shopping to make snacks to take with her in the time that I was out."

"Oh... but how far have we gone? and are you sure it's okay if I escort you back home or did you want to continue your run? Also, what bet do you have with the Weasley twins? Most wouldn't dare do such a thing"

"It is fine we did about 2 miles and there's not enough time to do the whole thing now. Besides we can use the opportunity to catch up a bit we haven't seen each other for quite a while anyways" I shrug.

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