Chapter 3

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Third Person's Pov:

Momo followed her little classmate to the locker room. She waited outside for him to change but it was taking longer than she expected so she knocked on the door.

"Bakugou do you need some help?" She asked and got no reply. She was about to knock again but her name was called. She turned to meet Todoroki who held little Midoriya.

"Oh, Good Morning Todoroki-kun, Good Morning Midoriya." She greeted them.

"Good Morning!" Midoriya replied.

"We were told you had an outfit that would fit Midoriya." Todoroki questioned.

"Yes I do." She hands them a small outfit. Todoroki takes it and Midoriya thanked her. She just nodded before going back to knocking on the door.

"Is something wrong Yayarozu?" Todoroki asked while moving closer to her.

"Bakugou-kun was suppose to be changing but he hasn't been answering me..." Momo tells Todoroki who started to look worry. Midoriya wore a face of concern as he looked at the door.

"Here, Hold Midoriya. I'll try to talk to Bakugou." Todoroki tells Momo while handing her Deku.

"I'll take Midoriya to the other locker room to change." Momo informed Todoroki before leaving with the small child.

Todoroki looks at the door before knocking. "Bakugou, Can I come in? I just wanna make sure your okay." Todoroki tries to talk to Bakugou.

Todoroki placed his ear against the door and could hear light sobs. The thought of Bakugou crying made Todoroki's heart sink.

"Bakugou? Can I come in please?" Todoroki asked again.

"W-Why don't you go take care of Deku! I bet everyone else is head over heels to see him!" Bakugou sounded hurt and Todoroki felt bad.

Todoroki enters the locker room but locked the door after he entered. He explored the locker room looking for Bakugou but then he could hear Bakugou's sobs get louder when he got closer to Bakugou's locker.

There was no one in sight so he was guessing Bakugou was inside the locker.

"Bakugou, please tell me why your crying..." Todoroki speaks in a quiet voice as he slowly opened the locker to see Bakugou hugging his knees.

Todoroki looked surprised at first but he was hugging Bakugou in a matter of seconds.

"It's not fair... " Bakugou chocked out.

"What's not fair..?" Todoroki asked while rubbing Bakugou's back.

"D-Deku.." Bakugou said quietly.

"What did Midoriya do?" Todoroki asked a bit confused.

"Nothing! That's the problem! He did nothing but is loved by everyone! I've been attacked by a sludge monster, I've won the sports festival, I'm Top of our class, I was kidnapped by the Lov, and I've bit the bullet so that me and Deku could fight along side each other..." Bakugou cried out into Todoroki's shoulder.

"I've done all that and everyone still loves him more than me! Even my mom loves him more than me! My mom wants NOTHING to do with me...s-she was happy to get rid of  me..."

Todoroki's eyes were wide as he started bopping Bakugou on his hip. "That's not true, a lot of people love you." Todoroki tries to reassure the blond.

"Like who?" Bakugou asked.

"Kirishima, Sero, Mina, Kaminari, Midoriya, Me, Mr. Aizawa and All Might." Todoroki listed.

"Wrong. Sero, Mina, and Kaminari like Deku more. They always ask "Why can't you be more like Midoriya" and don't say All Might or Mr. Aizawa love me. They only stick around me because it's their job as a teacher." Bakugou growled out before continuing. "Deku and Kirishima don't love me, they just pity my well being."

"Even if that's true you still have me." Todoroki pointed out and the blond looks at Todoroki.

"You don't love me, your just trying to make me happy." Bakugou sighed out.

"Your wrong Bakugou, I really do care about you. Yes I care about Midoriya too but he has a lot of people looking out for him. You always do a great job at looking out for everyone and now it's time for people to do the same for you." Todoroki reassured the blond before receiving a hug.

He smiled as he hugged Bakugou back. After a minute of hugging Bakugou spoke up "I'm ready to head over to the nurse."

Todoroki nods before moving Bakugou so that he's sitting on Todoroki's shoulders.

"D-Don't Drop Me!" Bakugou freaked out a bit as he held on for dear life.

Momo and Deku finished first and were already waiting infront of the nurse's office. Once they spotted Todoroki and Bakugou they were shocked that Bakugou was laughing cheerfully.

Once they were in the nurse Recovery Girl started to run test on the little students.

Bakugou was harder to test once he saw recovery girl with a syring. He slipped again but this time he was scared. He stood in a corner farthest away from everyone and would scream when someone came close.

Todoroki started to make small ice sculptures in his hand which made Bakugou curious. Curious enough to come out of his corner to get really close.

"You like?" Todoroki asked and he just nodded. While Bakugou was distracted he was given the shot and instead of screaming again he started to cry.

"I know, I know. That's the only one you have to take. You did really good." Todoroki cooed.

"I'm gonna collect the data and give you a diagnosis after lunch." Recovery Girl informs the teens.

"Thank you." Momo says while Midoriya waved goodbye to Recovery Girl right before heading back to their class to those who were waiting eagerly for their return.

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 937

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