Chapter 38

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Third Person Pov:

In the cozy confines of the Class 1-A living room, a slumber and movie party was in full swing. Amidst the laughter and chatter, two tiny figures sat amidst the festivities—Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya, their memories wiped clean.

The class had been torn since the young duo had been de-aged. The quirk that had befallen them threatened to become permanent, filling them with unspoken worry. But to shield their precious friends from their despair, they resolved to create an unforgettable evening of fun.

As the Bakusquad gathered around Mina Ashido's lap, Bakugou, with his characteristic fiery temper, sat impatiently for his turn in their game of Uno. Kirishima and Sero exchanged amused glances, their hearts aching as they watched their former classmate revert to a mischievous toddler.

Kirishima, with his ever-present shark-toothed grin, initiated the game with a sly draw from the deck. "Time to blow stuff up with numbers!" he exclaimed, waving his iconic red hair in the air.

Mina, her pink skin shimmering, giggled, "Kiri, you're being extra today."

"Yeah, lighten up, porcupine head," Sero teased.

Baby Bakugou watched the proceedings with wide-eyed fascination. His small hands fiddled with the cards, but he didn't seem to grasp the game's rules.

"Okay, Kacchan, it's your turn," Kaminari announced with a big smile.

The toddler looked up at the green-haired boy, his brow creased. "Kacchan?"

Deku chuckled. 'Oh, that's you, Bakugou. You're Kacchan.'

Bakugou pouted. "No, I'm Kat!."

The Bakusquad erupted into laughter, their voices bouncing off the walls. Mina snapped a picture of the hilarious moment, sharing it in their group chat with a caption: "Mr. Aizawa, you are missing out on the cuteness overload!"

Momo Yayarozu, lifted little Bakugou into her arms, shielding him from the onslaught of tickles from the others. "You're the cutest Kacchan ever," she cooed, her voice like honey.

Baby Bakugou giggled, his small fist clutching onto her long black hair.

While the Bakusquad played their game, the Deku squad began their own. "It's charades time!" Iida announced, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

"Okay, Izuku, watch closely," said Tenya. "We're going to act out something for you to guess."

Jirou gave a wide grin. "I'll go first!" She twisted her body into a series of comical poses, her arms flailing like a noodle.

Izuku giggled and pointed at her. "Monkey!" he exclaimed.

The group erupted in laughter as Mina nodded vigorously. "Correct! It was a monkey eating bananas!"

Next, Ochaco stepped up. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she floated around the room, her fingertips gently grazing Izuku's cheek.

"Butterfly!" Izuku guessed excitedly.

Ochaco squealed with delight. "Yes! It was a butterfly!"

The Uno game evolved into a chaotic free-for-all where everyone played as they pleased. Baby Bakugou stacked the cards into towers, blew loud raspberries into the air, and laughed uncontrollably.

As the game reached its end, it was little Bakugou's turn. He pulled a wild draw card from the deck, his tiny hands trembling with excitement.

"BOOOM!" he exclaimed, slamming the card onto the pile.

The room exploded in a cloud of confetti and streamers, the Bakusquad cheering and howling with laughter. Bakugou clapped his hands, his joyful laughter filling the air.

In that moment, the Bakusquad realized that it didn't matter whether Bakugou was a fiery teenager or an adorable toddler. His presence always brought joy and chaos into their lives, and he was forever their beloved Kacchan.

As the game progressed, Izuku's guesses became increasingly comical. He mistook Tsu's wiggly tongue for a snake instead of a worm, and Kaminari's electric surge for a pikachu. However, the laughter and joy shared between the DekuSquad was infectious.

"Okay, Izuku, it's your turn to act something out!" said Iida.

Izuku jumped down from Ochaco's lap and thought for a moment. He stood up and began to march in place with a determined stride.

"Soldier!?" guessed Tenya.

Izuku shook his head and continued marching.

"Army man!" tried Jirou.

Izuku still shook his head.

Finally, Ochaco had a sudden realization. "Izuku, do this again!"

Izuku repeated his march.

Ochaco's eyes lit up. "It's All Might!" she exclaimed.

A chorus of gasps filled the room as Izuku's tiny feet pounded the floor in imitation of the Symbol of Peace.

Tears of joy and nostalgia glistened in Todoroki's eyes. "Midoriya," he whispered, "even without your memories, you'll always be our hero."

And so, the DekuSquad continued to play charades, their laughter echoing through the dorms, creating a precious memory that would last a lifetime.

The rest of the class found solace in the movie playing softly in the background. Tokoyami, with his usual dark and enigmatic presence, had somehow managed to drift into a peaceful slumber, his small body curled up on the couch.

As the night wore on, the games continued, the class cherishing every moment they had with their de-aged friends. They danced and sang, built pillow forts, and shared stories that filled the room with warmth.

But behind their feigned smiles, their hearts grew heavier with each passing hour. The thought of losing Bakugou and Midoriya, of never seeing their true selves again, filled them with unbearable pain.

Eventually it started getting really late, the little party of theirs had died down and dwindled to just 4 people being awake. Everyone else has passed out around the the couches and TV's. the four left awake was Mina Ashido, Shoto Todoroki, Ejirou Kirishima, and Ohaco Uraraka.  Since they were still awake they cleaned up all the trash and put away all the games so they wouldn't wake up to a random mess. Once all done, the girls took one more glance at their best friend. Mina considered Bakugou her favourite classmate and friend and Uraraka considered Midoriya her best friend but she also had a crush on his teen self and really wanted him to turn back to normal.

The two little toddlers were both curled up and sound asleep, Midoriya had fallen asleep while snuggling Tsu and was practically drooling. Bakugou on the other hand was sandwiched between Sero and Kaminari.

Mina lets out a light giggle before pulling out her phone and taking a photo so the moment would last forever. She loved them both so much....a tear starts falling down her cheek before she runs off to her room where she could cry without waking anyone else up. Uraraka being the caring person she was, followed right after, leaving both Kirishima and Todoroki left just sitting at the dining table and just talking quietly.

"What are we going to do...?" Kirishima asked.

"I...don't really know..." Todoroki answered honestly.

"How are you holding up? I know you really must hate this situation..."

"Well, I don't want to lose the first friends I made In this school so...I am quite worried.." Todoroki sighed out.

"I know what you mean....Bakugou means a lot to me...I know he can be hard to talk to and he snaps a lot...I kinda miss it...he's my bestfriend. Don't get me wrong, I love the others....but me and Bakugou had a stronger bond.." Kirishima rambled.

"You were his ride or die buddy, I don't think one else could be that important to Bakugou." Todoroki chuckled.

"Yeah...Probably." Kirishima replied before placing a hand on Todoroki's shoulder. "Well, I'm going to head to bed, don't stay up too late." 

"I'll head to bed in a little bit." 

"Goodnight Todoroki." That was the last thing Kirishima said before taking his spot besides Kaminari. 

Once Todoroki was alone he buried his face in his hands before biting down on his lip. "Please bring them back, please, I can't lose them." Todoroki pleaded in a really hushed voice.

End Of Chapter:
Word Count: 1230

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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