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I hope she calls me, I hope I will see her again. I really liked her, I thought.

carinas pov

Have a good day, be careful the blizzard, you know

I smiled reading Mayas texts she sent me just before her shift must have started. I was only about to prepare some fried eggs for breakfast. Unless there was a baby who wanted to welcome the world, I always had a little time in the morning before I had to go to work.

You too Maya have fun but be careful too okay? :)

I quickly replied her.

Sadly, we haven't seen each other much, or at all. There were a text message exchange going on though. I was glad she followed my words and acually texted me.

I had to wait for that to happen though, a hectic shift, you apologized and I completely understood even though I wished I could've read your cute little "hey it's Maya :)" earlier.

I almost thought she would have forgotten me and it was just a one time thing but I really somehow wish it wasn't. Cause I somehow had a deep desire that I would hear from her again.

There was a blizzard warning going around and so both the hopsital and the station had a lot to prepare.

We would get victims we need to take care of and Maya and her team were supposed to provide shelter for any civillian who might feel not safe enough at home.

I can already tell that when the storm is gonna be actually there, it will be a hard and hectic night.

I hoped to get through today without any bad surprises.

mayas pov

I just got back from my run, needing to at least get a little bit of my inner tension out of me before going to the station. Despite the freezing temperature and the snow which was already falling, my lungs already burned on the inside.
Dealing with everyone watching and talking about me again was something I would rather want to avoid.

But I couldn't. Eyes foward.

Seeing Carina had replied for some reason at least gave me some sort of motivation to get through the day, knowing that it was, coincidentally, Wednedsay right now and I can maybe invite her over after shift.

So I made my way into the station, straight away into my office, wanting to soak in the last few moments of peace before I needed to give everyone their intructions. I knew it will be some hard hours. Since the blizzard is supposed to be all over seattle.

I looked down at my watch. One minute left, one minute of silence and peace in my own office before I had to meet my team in the barn.

"Alright everybody I want the whole Station cleaned, the blizzard is supposed to get worse throughout the night and I want this place to be presentable to everyone."

"Herrera, Gibson, you two take care of the engines." Both looked at me, with annoyance I simply ignored and carried on

"Warren and Sullivan make sure the aid car is stocked, there will be injuries." They nodded.

Huges and Montgomery general clean up, Stairs, lounge, and then prepare some food for the civilans."

"Yes captain, both replied in sync."

"Let's go everyone" I yelled one last time before everyone was being dismissed to do their assigned work.

I quickly took a look around, a few people were already coming in but didn't need any obvious medical help so they just followed the news.

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