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Maybe I missed her that much...

carinas pov

"Hi." You greeted me right after you opened the door just seconds before I rang the doorbell. A small smile forming on your lips. I had to admit that you looked insanely hot in just a top and your grey sweatpants.

"Hey bella." I replied, opening my arms, offering you a hug. You  took my hands and pulled me inside your apartment tough.

After you called I knew what I was getting into. 'The usual' I could say. But something about you... about this, was different and I didn't know why and what presicely.

As soon as I was inside I got pushed onto the wall, you looked into my eyes and I noticed the dark eyebags under yours, then I remembered you just worked a twentyfour hour shift. 

Your hands had a hard grip on my wrists as you roughly pressed your lips onto mine. My back was pressed harder on the wall when you deepened the kiss.

I thought about asking how your shift was, how you are doing most importantly. But you certainly had plans far away from talking.

I let out a soft moan as you eagerly pushed your tongue into my mouth...You loosened your grip when you needed to breathe so I took the chance and actually talk.

"That's some kind of greeting." I smirked.

"Mhmm... you coming?" She asked, already heading to the bedroom.

I hang my coat on the hook and took my shoes off, and then made my way to Mayas bedroom.

"How was your day Maya... You look tired, didn't you just had a twentyfour hour shift?"

"Yes, but now you're here right?"

"I am here, but aswell if you want to talk to me about anything you know that okay?"

"Thank you but right now I would much rather do this." She said lowering her voice and leaned in for another kiss.

I felt like she was avoiding something, but I didn't wanted to push... I wanted her to give what she wanted right now, pushing her into her bed. My luchbrake wasn't the longest, I made a mental note to visit her after I was done with work, in case you were awake then.
But I would love to have a proper conversation with Maya, wanting to know how her day was.

We were into a long steamy kiss when I was grabbing the end of her top when she nodded her head quickly, causing me to pull away.


I nodded, pushing my hand under the waistband of her sweatpants. My other arm wrapped around her waist  pulling her closer.

She let out a low moan as I slowly pushed the sweatpants down her legs, casting them off.

My hair got gripped hard when I finally was near her center, ready to start what she was begging for.
I loved it, I loved our sex and I love  what we have...

My lunchbreaks never were better I thought before I slid my hand into her panties.
As soon as I pushed my fingers inside in a quick motion I heard a sharp moan of my name coming from Mayas lips.

Everything else didn't mattered as much anymore, except for us.

After we silently layed in bed a little while Maya sat up a little, I looked over to her alarm clock, seeing that it's almost 1pm.

I had a little more time but I always want to be on time, mostly I end up over punctual, but in my opinion that's better than being late. I don't think people should have to wait for me so I decided to probably should get ready to get back to the hospital.

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