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an; listen to 'berth' by Gregory Alan Isakov during this if you want :)


Somehow, this new experience of someone actually staying over night didn't felt as bad.

carinas pov

I saw Ben coming out of the ambulance...I knew Maya was on shift aswell. I instantly hoped she was okay...

This morning we even left the apartment the same time.


I got woken up by some wet kisses... A thing I could get used to...I thought.

"Mhmm morning..." I mumbled, slowly opening my eyes...

"Hello" Maya said, her lips still attached on mine, moving towards my neck, nibbling on my skin.

I closed my eyes again, feeling happy about how this morning is going to be.

I wrapped my arms around Mayas body, feeling her warm, bare skin... Her hands running up and down my back as I was giving her kisses. Her breathing intensified as my hand wandered down her abdomen and a smile formed on her lips. I stopped at her inner thigh, waiting for a repsonse I right away got one, as expected.

"Carina... please I need more..."

"Is this why you woke me up this early?" I asked with a smirk, feeling her nod against my chest.

"I see... so.... you want... that...?" I asked her, slowly crawling under the blanket, spreading her legs apart.

"Y-yeah..." She answered, grabbing the sheet...

I began pleasing her, knowing exactly what I had to do. I got to know her body more and more everytime...

A series of moans from Maya was cornfirming that... she was close and it didn't needed much more for her to come to her high.

"Well that's one way to get to know me better..." you said out of breath as I peaked my head up from under the covers.

"I find it is the fastest way"

"Same..." She whispered, and I leaned in for another kiss, rolling her over...

As we were about to start round two, her alarm started ringing and she immediatly jumped off the bed.

"Fuck..." she hissed. I was a little bit confused util I realized, it was an hour before your shift started.

"I... gotta go I'm the captain, today the new PRT is gonna be inaugurated and Dixon is gonna be there, and the press...  I need to be there I..."

"It's okay, go go..." I stopped her rambling.

"You uhm, I have some... Coffee in the upper drawer..." She hectictly yelled through the hallway, already being in the bathroom.

"I'm good." I told her, even if, after these morning acticivities, some caffein would do me good.

But first of all Maya is late and second of all the only decent coffee I have found was in some hidden street 10 minutes away from the hospital. It was so unknown, nobody was really there. Probably because the people here are used to the way too sweet american coffe. But I'm not, even after two years of living here.

Therefore I decided to get me a large one from there, after all it was still enough time left for that.

But if it's such an important day for Maya I get that she wants to be overpunctual today.

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