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"I think it's better than a gold medal huh?" I winked at her.

It was around 10 when Maya was finally done with her training schedule, which included her morning run and a work out session, and got out of the shower.
Her long hair tied in a towel.

She enjoyed having the bathroom for herself, it got on her nerves how Andy occupied the bathroom way too long and they ran out of Mayas time management plan she strictly followed in her head.

Now that she was alone though that wasn't a problem anymore... She could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Maya liked the regained control she was having over her apartment.
Maybe deep down she somehow missed Andy knocking on the bathroom door countless of times, before she rushed into the bathroom anyways, ranting about anything more or less important.
But for now, she didn't know how to get back to the friendship they once had and she was happy about some privacy.

Today she had a day off of work, B Shift had their twenty four hour shift. A shift had the next.

As she sat on her bed, grabbing some neatly folded clothes out of her drawer she thought about the last time she saw Carina...
Again, it's been a while, she was busy and so was the firefighter, mostly trying to get some kind of rest after exhausting 12 hour shifts.

Yet today she actually had all day, a whole day, she could spend with the Italian. Something that has rarely happened before.

She grabbed her phone from the bednight stand, wanting to quickly next her.

"hi, when are you finishing today?"

She texted the brunette, hoping that she didn't had nightshift and finished at a decent time so they had enough time for some hot make out sessions.

Maya was about to pull a white t-shirt with a black neckline over her head when she saw her screen lighting up.

It was Carina texting, and Maya instantly had all her attention on the words she wrote for her.

hey, I can go home at 5 but I assume I'll head to your place then? :))

A smile crept over Mayas face as she read the line from Carina...

I would love that.
She texted back.

She looked down at her watch, there was still much time to pass.

She decided to clean her apartment a bit, it was tidy obviously. But Maya needed something to do. Otherwise she'd get nervous, either because of the fact that Carina would visit her again, which wasn't typical for her, or the thoughts that were constantly running through her brain, most of them being about work.
If she had something she could do, it helped shutting them down a bit.

After she was done she looked at her phone again checking the time when  suddenly she had an idea, she grabbed her coat and started walking down the streets.

Carina was happy when she saw that Maya had texted her.
That she would meet Maya at the end of her shift seemed like a light at the end of her tunnel.

The OBGYN wouldn't describe her work as a dark, narrowing tunnel.
It was the opposite actually, she loved her work.
Every baby she helped into this world and every mom's smile she saw, she knew, what she did was the right thing to do. She got reminded how much she loved her job.

Still, there was something that agitated her a bit when she was walking through the hallways of Grey Sloan, she couldn't stop thinking about her baby brother Andrea.

Since the incident during the blizzard night he was kept away from any surgery and needed to rest at home.
Something he wasn't glad about at all...
Carina hasn't spoke to him since, she tried calling him and texting, but her effort was not returned.

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