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Maya finished changing out of her turnouts, back into her street clothes, a simple blue demin jeans and a beige sweater.

She was unusually exited that this shift ended, but only because she was on her way to Carinas place.

They decided on a little date night, at her place. Mainly because they wanted to cook and the italians household simply was better equipped than the blondes, as she had most of her meals at the station anyways.

"Hey..." Maya said, as she stepped into the reception area, seeing that Andy was about to go home aswell, well not home, she's still staying at Jack's.

It was still quite weird to have normal conversations with her former best friend, but she needed to try. She remembered Carinas words, she needed to try to at least fix it. It takes time, she reminded herself.

"Hi you...heading home?" Andy said, turning around as she notices Maya.

"Uh, to Carina actually."

"Oh... nice..." She said smiling.

"Yeah.." Maya answered, unable to conceal the smile, that appeared on her face.

"What are you two up to?" Andy asked, having stopped at her car.

"Uhm, I think Carina wanted to show me her traditional italian risotto recipe..."

"Mhmm that's amazing, have fun." She said.

"Have a good day, and Andy?" Maya said, wanting to get her attention back while she was about to get into her car.


"Thank you for being acting captain, you were a good one." Maya told her sincerly.

"Of course,  anytime. I still don't know how Carina convinced you to leave work for more than a day.

"Me either..." Maya laughed, shaking her head.

Carina was walking around in her apartment, she didn't actually had anything to do. She prepared everything, she was ready waiting for Maya. She wasn't nervous, rather exited to see her again, she wouldn't admit it but she was missing the blonde more than she initially thought when she was at work or they hadn't seen each other in a while.

Finally, the doorbell rang and Carina opened the door within seconds, as she just happened to stay in front of the door right now.

"Ciao bella." she greeted Maya, already aproaching her for a hug, her hand coming up to stroke her long blonde hair, which she hadn't put in a  ponytail. Ever since Carina mentioned how much she prefered to play with Mayas open hair. 

"Hey Carina..." Maya said, pecking her lips, just a few seconds, but it was enough for Carina to make her tighten her grip around the blondes waist.

"How was your shift?" the italian asked, taking the jacket from Maya.

"Boring, that's why I couldn't wait to meet you..." She said smilig.

"So if it weren't boring you didn't wanted to come?" Carina asked, playfully offended.

"No, but then time would've passed way faster, you know, so I was just working out to keep at least somewhat busy..." She said while they made their way to the kitchen.

Maya  quickly scanned over everything that was laid out on the kitchen counters. Stopping at the massive espresso machine, wondering how that even works. She only drinks the coffee at the station.

"Do you want one, you look interested." Carina commented, as Maya hasn't moved to sit down since she entered the kitchen.

"Yeah, sure, a need to wake up a little more, the fire fighting adrenaline is missing..." She said chuckling.

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