Chapter 1

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July 19, 1978

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July 19, 1978

It's the first day of Camp and Laura is working there as a  camp counselor.  She is now on patrol with Kurt, another counselor they are looking for her brother Nick.  "Come on Laura, one date"  Laura sighes and turns to look at him "For the last time Kurt i'm not  going out with you"  She keeps walking and Kurt is behind her.  She grunts "Ugh where is my brother when you  need him"  Kurt walks closer to Laura "Well if we're alone we can make up for it" Kurt takes a hold of Laura's shirt and tries to pull her in but she pushes him away "You're  an idiot"  Suddenly Nick pops up and frightens him and she slaps him on the arm "There you are"  Nick chuckles "Is he bothering you?" Laura sighes "As always, just let's keep moving" Nick and Kurt is behind her  suddenly Laura stops because she is sees her brother Will, Sheila some other kids by a tree and they have Ziggy Berman hanged by her hands.  "I'm gonna freaking kill him" Nick and Kurt comes up to her. Nick turns to her "What is it?"  She just points and Nick and Kurt looks forward and sees it. 

 Nick blow his whistle and they start running towards the teens.  "Will let her down!"  Will freaks out when he sees his siblings.  "Nick and Laura i can explain"  Laura is so furious "Let her down or i swear to god i'll tell mom and she will kill you"  Will sighes and let Ziggy down.   Laura walks up to Will takes a firm grip on her brother's arm and walks down to the woods to talk with him.  

When they get into the woods she releases him but then hits over the head.  Will sighes "What was that for?"  Laura chuckles "What was that for? Seriously Will what is wrong with you?"  Will just looks at her "What she stole from Sheila we all saw her"  Laura scoffs  "But that doesn't give you the right to hang someone by their arms and burn their arm"  Will scoffs "But she's a shadysider" Laura shakes her head "I don't care if it's a shadysider or a sunnyvaler.  No one deserves to be treated like that.  Will you're a good person don't let someone like Sheila influence you"  Will just looks at her confused "Sheila is  my friend"  Laura sighes "I know but she's a bitch. Just be careful"  Suddenly then they see Ziggy running past them and Nick behind her.  Laura sighes "Go, i have to speak to our brother"  Will nods and walks back to his friends and Laura sighes and walk to find Nick.  

She goes out of the woods and sees Nick not far from where she is standing so she walks to him.  She sees he is looking at something or someone  so she follows his eyes so see what it is and it's none other than Ziggy Berman. Laura smirks and nudges her brother and he turns to her "What?" Laura chuckles "You like her, Ziggy?"  Nick looks at her shocked "No i do not!"  Laura laughs "C'mon Nick i know you you're my twin. You like her because she's different and not bat her eyes at you like all the other girls. You can deny it all you want you know i'm right" She smirks and walks away but she stops when she sees Cindy kissing Tommy Slater.  

Cindy is her ex who broke up with her so people wouldn't know she was gay and started dating Tommy.  Laura can't handle this so she walks away fast before Cindy can see her but suddenly she  feels someone take a hold of her wrist tightly she turns and pulls away and sees it's "Kurt.  What do you want?"  Kurt chuckles "What do you think?"  She chuckles and walks away but Kurt follows me.  "Come on Laura we would be perfect together.  We are both Sunnyvalers"  Laura turns and looks at him and scoffs "For the millonth time i'm not going out with you.  I don't want to. So find another girl who has already lost her dignity and sleep with her because we all know that's what you want"  Kurt sighes and harshly pulls her in and kisses her and she pushes him away hard.  "Jerk! Don't ever touch me again"  Laura runs before he can pull her into another kiss or worse.  

She finds Nick and runs up to him.  She is crying and shaking.  "Laura what's wrong?"  She sniffles "Kurt he um.." She can't get the word out.  Nick looks at her with worry and fury "What did he do?"  Laura takes out a deep breath "He forced me to kiss him"  Nick sighes angrily "Okay  um go to our cabin and i will sort things out, okay?"  She sighes "Nick don't do anything stupid"  Nick puts his hand on her cheek "You're my twin. No one hurts my twin now go, i will get you later "  Laura smiles and nods.  

Laura walks into the cabin and closes the door.  She lays on her bed and closes the door.   30 minutes later there is a bang on the door so Laura jumps off the bed and opens the door and sees it's "Will what is it?"  He sighes "It's Nurse Lane she attacked Tommy Slater"  Laura looks at him shocked "What?"  Laura follows her brother to where everyone else including their brother Nick.  She runs up to him "What happended"  Nick shrugs his shoulders "I guess she just snapped"  Laura looks around and she sees Cindy and Tommy sitting on the bench  being questioned by the police and suddenly Laura catches Cindy's glance and Laura can't take her eyes off her.  

the first chapter of this fanfic! Laura and Cindy's relationship is complicated to say the least. I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts 

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