Chapter 9

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Laura listen to everything Josh, Deena and Ziggy have to say.  

When they are done she falls to the ground.  She starts gasping and the tears starts streaming down her face.  

She looks up at Deena, she is shaking.  "So you're telling me that all these deaths and killings are because of my family? Of my ancestors?  And the reason why Cindy is dead and Tommy became insane is because of Nick, My brother, my twin brother?  Is that what you're telling me"  

Deena sighes and looks at Laura with pity and nods.  Laura in that moment stands up.  

"I had no idea..."  She then looks at them with fear "Please do not tell me Will is involved. Not my sweet little brother"  

Deena takes a deep breath "As far as i know it's only the first born of your family"  

Laura breaths out shaken "Thank you." Laura then looks at Ziggy with tears in her eyes.  

"Oh my god Ziggy.  He is the reason she's dead.  I'm so sorry"  Ziggy shakes her head 

"You have nothing to apologise for. This is not on you"  Laura nods.  

Deena looks at Laura "We're gonna need to kill him. We have to kill Nick Goode. And we need to know you won't stop this"  

Laura shakes her head "No i will help you.  The Nick i knew and loved is gone.  He died when he decided to make Tommy insane and kill the love of my life and my friend. And i won't let him hurt any more people especially my daughter"  

Ziggy looks at her confused "You have a daughter? And what do you mean he would hurt her?"

Laura smiles "My daughter is from Shadyside.  I adopted her three months ago.  Her name is Aurora.  I got a call from her biological parents asking me to adopt Aurora.  Aurora's birth mom was pregnant with her at the time but both of them knew they couldn't give the life she deserved.  And i have always wanted to have a child and i thought this child could be the child me and Cindy could have raised together so i said yes.  I will not lose my daughter to my brother.  So yes i will help you but you have to promise i will be able to confront him."  

Deena nods "Yes.  We need to leave now"  

Laura nods "Okay... I just need to make a phone call to my sister-in-law, Will's wife that i need her to look after Aurora while i'm gone"  

Laura walks out to the lobby to make the call.  

"Hi Tina, It's Laura.  Something came up and i was wondering if you could look for Aurora while i'm out.  That would be great, thank you. I Will leave the key outside. Bye."   

She ends the call and walks back to the others.  

She nods "It's done, let's go"  But before she goes.  She walks to her bedroom to Aurora's crib were she's sleeping.  

She  looks down at her and smiles "Everything is gonna be alright, i promise" And walks out to the others.   They walk out the door and goes to a police car which makes Laura confused but decides not to ask  and they drive off.  

Josh tells them to drive to someone he knows named Martin P.  Franklin, a criminal.  But in this moment Laura doesn't really care.  They need all the help they can get.  

They get to the man's adress and he's sitting outside smoking.  

"Hey!"  Josh shouts out which makes Martin relaises who it is.  

"Urkel?"  He asks, to be sure.  Josh nods "Yeah!"  

Josh takes a breath "Wanna help us kill Sheriff Goode?" 

Martin puts down his cigarette "Let me get my goat" 

When Martin has gotten to the car, they drive to Shadyside Mall.  

"As the Mall's lead custodial engineer.  I ensure that all retail establishments come equipped with the storesafe 250.  This is the cadliac of storegates.  Now the 250 prevents your standard smash-and-grab, graffiti all while complying with the 70% visibility ordinance.  Best part... Easy to operate.  Martin tells them about the storegates.  

Josh nods "And we can rig them for quick release?" 

Martin smiles  "little grease, these things go down faster than a Sunnyvale cheerleader"  

With that comment he looks at Laura who just shakes her head.  

Josh nods "So Deena is the target now. So they will go after Deena's blood just like they did Sam. And then we use that to lure them into the stores and then..."  

With that Martin shows with dragging down one of the storegates.  "Welcome to the clink, motherfucker"  

Josh smiles "The killers will be locked up. And it's just us versus Nick"  

Deena sighes "Ok, sure, awesome.  But then what?"  

Laura nods "My brother is not stupid"  

Deena agrees "Like how do we take out Goode"  

Martin relaises "You're guys really serious about this?"  

He looks at Laura "You would kill your brother?"  

Laura just looks at him "I have my reasons."  

"Once they're down, how quickly can we get the gates back open?"  Ziggy asks. 

Laura looks at her confused "Why would we want to do that?" 

"We'll Carrie him"  Ziggy answers.  

Laura stands with Ziggy, they're looking at tree.  The tree where Cindy died.  

Laura knows what Ziggy is thinking about.  But all Laura can think about that she will make Cindy proud.  She will save Shadyside, from her own brother.  

Suddenly they feel someone behind them and they both gasp.  They sighes in relief when they see it's only Deena.  

Deena sighes "This is it."  

Laura nods "Yes."  Ziggy walks off.  

Laura and Deena stay by the tree.  

Deena looks at Laura "You're sure you're gonna be able to do this.  He's your brother" 

Laura sighes "Like i said.  My brother died a long time ago.  I lost Cindy and Alice because of him.  I'm not gonna lose anyone else because of him ever again.  I'm in" 

Deena nods.  Laura walks off.  

Laura knows now....  It's so sad.  I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts. 

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