Chapter 7

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Nick, Laura and Ziggy were running

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Nick, Laura and Ziggy were running.  They were chased by Tommy.  They went into a cabin where they have different aquariums and other nature stuff.  They lock the door.   They sit down at the floor behind a table.   Ziggy turns to Nick and Laura "Did we lose him?"  Laura nods "I think so"   Nick looks at Ziggy and Laura "Are you guys okay, are you hurt?"  and he looks down at their shirts, both bloody.  Laura takes a hold of her brother's hand "It's not our blood.  It's Gary's"   Laura looks at her brother's shirt that's also bloody.  "And yours?"  Nick gulps "Um Sean, Jesse, Rod, Stacey"  

Ziggy sighes "Shadysiders, that's the curse."   Laura gulps and Nick just shakes his head.  "No it's just um some psycho"  Ziggy shakes her head "No it's not some psycho, it's Tommy. My sister's perfect, virgin boring boyfriend Tommy"  Laura looks down, still doesn't like hearing about Cindy and Tommy being together.  "She did this"   Nick looks at Ziggy confused. "Cindy?"  Ziggy sighes "The wich"  Nick shakes his head chuckling "That's not real Ziggy" Laura looks up at her brother "It's real Nick. I have seen it with my own eyes."  Ziggy shakes his head "You're just like any other Sunnyvaler, i thought you were different. Atleast Laura is different"  

Before Nick can answer they hear the bell ring.  "They're getting on the bus. We have to go!"  Laura shakes her head "No, Cindy and Alice are still out there."  Nick takes his sister's hand "I've let a lot of people die tonight"  Laura shakes her head "This is not your fault. None of this is your fault" Nick sighes "Not you guys. I'm not letting you two die" Nick turns to Ziggy and caresses her cheek.  "Because... Yeah.  I do like the weirdo from Shadyside and i thought maybe once we get out of this we could start a book club or something, maybe i dunno, Stephen King's new one is supposed to be good i hear"  Laura smiles at them.  Ziggy smiles at Nick "I'm done with King. Judy Blume for me from now on."  Nick smiles "Yeah Judy Blume sounds perfect"  Ziggy looks at Nick "You believe us right, about the curse?"  Laura looks at her brother to hear what his answer will be.  "Of course. I am different"   "As much as we love this, we really have to go" Nick nods at his sister.   He releases his hands from the side of Ziggy's head and takes a hold in both Laura and Ziggy hands.   But then they hear banging at the door.   They look towards the door through an Aquarium and see Tommy's hand punches through window and then unlock the door.  

Tommy walks in so they jump down at the floor before he can see them.  Laura put her hand over her mouth to calm down her breathing. They see Tommy looking at Aquarium so they run quickly to another table where they can hide.  Tommy destroys the aquarium with a snake in so it's free.   Laura sees the snake.  It goes over Ziggy's legs.   But then Tommy takes a hold of Ziggy's hair and pulls her over the table.  "Ziggy!"  Both Laura and Nick shout.   Ziggy is down at the floor and Tommy is ready to strike her with is axe.   When Nick jump between them and get stabbed by Tommy Instead.  "Nick!" Laura Screams.  "Run!" Nick just shouts.  Laura runs over to Ziggy, takes her hand and they run out of the cabin. 

Cindy and Alice are still trapped.  "Ziggy!! Laura!!" Cindy keeps screaming after them but no answer.  Alice sighes "We need to find another way out"   Cindy sighes "What if there's not?"  Alice shakes her head "No, No there's gotta be.  We're at the outhouse. We're at camp. Come on, get the diary we're  too close."  The diary is laying next to Gary's body.  Cindy takes it, they both sit down looking through  it.  "Okay these tunnels, the witch made them right?"  Cindy nods looking at Alice "Yeah?"  Alice scroll through the diary "And she emerged by the meeting house one hand served lost forever. The meeting house which is now..."  Cindy relaises what Alice is saying "The mess hall"  Alice nods "There's gotta be another way out"  Cindy nods "Okay let's go"  Alice shakes her head "I'm just gonna slow you down"  Cindy looks at her "Alice!"  Alice shakes her head "No it's fine i'll catch up. You gotta save your sister and Laura"  Cindy shakes her head "No"  Alice nods "Go"  Cindy starts walking away.  "Cindy" Alice shouts out which makes Cindy turn "Yeah?"  Alice smiles "When you find Laura, tell her the truth"  Cindy takes a deep breath but nods and then keeps going.  She will tell her, if it's not too late.

Ziggy and Laura and running.  They are now in the middle of camp.  "Kurt!, Will!, Anybody!" Ziggy shouts but no answer.   Then they see the bus leaving.  Laura sighes "Fuck"  Ziggy looks at Laura in shock "You curse?"  Laura sighes "Yes" Then they see Tommy coming through the forest.  Laura takes Ziggy's hand and they run towards the mess hall.

When they are in the mess hall, Laura lock the door.  They're both breathing heavily.  Ziggy put on the radio to keep out the noise of them and they run into another room.  Tommy easily burst the door open easily.  They are now in the supply closet and they have taken both knives.  They hear Tommy trying to open the door.   He starts cutting through the door with his axe.  He has cutten through walks into the room.   Laura turns to Ziggy "Stay in here" She whispers.  "Before open the door of the supply closet and she's behind Tommy.   She walks behind him with the knife but suddenly the music stops.  

Tommy turns around and in that moment Laura starts stabbing him.  He punches her in the face and Laura screams. Tommy takes a hold around Laura's throat and starts choking her.  Ziggy then runs out of the supply closet with her knife and starts stabbing him in the back but he just throws her away on to the ground.  Tommy keeps on chocking Laura  so Laura finds a bag she throw over his head so he finally lets her go.   Laura screams holds tight the bag around his head and keep choking him but it doesn't work he makes her fall to the ground, she sits next to an unconcious.  She shakes Ziggy to wake up and thank god she wakes up.  Laura takes Ziggy's hand "Come on" They run out of the room to the kitchen.  But Tommy is right behind them and make them both fall to the ground and just when he's gonna strike them someone else stab him in the back. It's Cindy.  Both Laura and Ziggy are chocked.  Tommy turn around and then Cindy stab him in again in the chest and fall to the ground.  Cindy then pulls Ziggy into a hug, Laura stands up let them have their moment.   Cindy then walks up to Laura.  "Laura?"  Laura and turn around and look at Cindy, the girl she loves so deeply but also who have hurted more than anyone else.  "Yeah?"   Cindy sniffles and then pulls Laura into a hug.  "I'm so sorry.  About everything"  Laura then pulls away "Everything?"  Cindy nods "I was a shitty girlfriend, i really was.  I was just scared because the truth is... I love you Laura.  I always have and i always will."  Laura is tearing up "You love me, truly?" Cindy then pulls Laura into a kiss, Laura is shocked but then kisses her back right away.  She has missed Cindy's touch so much.  Cindy pulls away and smiles "Does that answer your question?"  Laura laughs and pulls Cindy into another kiss.  Laura pull away "I love you too"  Ziggy coughs which makes them turn.  Ziggy just smiles at them, Cindy and Laura laughs.  Laura takes Cindy's hand and holds it tightly.  

But then they hear something from the route where Cindy came out. Cindy pulls away from Laura's grip, telling her and Ziggy to stay.  Cindy walk slowly closer towards the sound. Cindy looks down the hole and then she sees Alice.  

Alice smirks "Hey snitch" Cindy smiles "What took you so long?"  Cindy pull Alice up.  Laura walks up to them and brings Alice into a hug.  "You okay!"  Alice laughs "I'm fine princess"  Alice pull away "You?"  Laura nods.   Alice turn to both of them "So Cindy did you?"  Cindy smiles and takes Laura's hand in her own.  "Yes, i did."  Alice nods smiling.   Alice looks at Ziggy and sees Tommy's body.  Smiles at Cindy "You did it"  Cindy smiles "We did it"   Alice turns to Laura and Cindy.  "I found Satan's stone it was right there.  All this time buried under the moss. I found it, i fucking found it"   Cindy looks at her confused "Found what?"  Alice smiles "Three guesses"  Laura thinks for a second and then gasps.  "You found the hand?"  Alice nods "Bingo"  Maybe they can stop the curse after all.  

Cindy and Laura are back together!!! I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts.  

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